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Rewarding and incentivizing on-demand workers

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 10:13:46 PM

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Rewarding and incentivizing on-demand workers

When it comes to rewards, never forget the first rule of management: people do what they get rewarded for doing. As Hicks Waldron, former chairman and CEO of Avon Products noted, "It took me a long while "to learn that people do what you pay them to do, "not what you ask them to do." What this means in the context of rewarding non-traditional employees is that you need to think carefully about exactly what you want people to do, and to decide how to pay them for doing it. Do you want to pay by the piece or by the project? Will the size of the reward be sufficient to induce people with the right skills to want to do the work? Let's examine what several firms are doing.

Amazon's Mechanical Turk pays by the piece for simple tasks that do not require special skills. For example, recording a word or phrase in your own voice. That pays two cents. Or transcribing all of the purchased items and the total from a shopping receipt. That pays nine cents. Typically, there are thousands of cases for each task. So a Turker, as the workers are called.