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How to attract candidates using social media

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:30:50 PM

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Attract candidates using social media

Social media is a great tool for recruiting, but not all social media platforms are created equal. Everyone has a Facebook account, but how much recruiting is happening in that platform? What about Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Periscope, or even Google Plus? As a recruiter, do you have an account on each of these platforms? Are you using them to recruit, and if so, in what ways? Let's start with Facebook. While it's not traditionally a place to recruit, diversity recruiting isn't always done in the same way as traditional recruiting.

Facebook is a great place to forge relationships and promote yourself as a recruiter with a focus on diversity. Facebook as well as LinkedIn provide you with a forum to distribute articles that reflect the values you stand for within your company as well as an opportunity to give tips and advice about navigating the job search process. And of course, you can post about your open positions. If you're not currently using Facebook to recruit, you may want to consider it.
