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How to Stay Motivated While in School

Started by Monirul Islam, May 20, 2018, 09:52:10 AM

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Monirul Islam

School is one of the best times for you to gain important knowledge for developing your career later. Making the most of your time acquiring an education can help you become a stronger, more established professional in the future. Though for many of us, studying for a big test or completing a grade-determining project can lead some to lose focus. In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy lays out some strategies to be the most productive while in school.

Small habit adjustments such as taking short, refreshing breaks or changing your location once in awhile, can help to realign your focus. Keeping a planner and marking off what tasks you've completed are also great ways to keep track of what needs to get done in school and in life. Similarly, if you want to focus on getting things done, you can also try cutting out as many distractions as possible. By eliminating the allure of social media channels, website pages and your smartphone, you can get more done faster.

Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help. Reaching out to a tutor or building a study group to bounce questions off of are methods to get the most out of your education.
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