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Unleash Your Personal and Professional Power and Get Paid to Make a Real Differe

Started by Monirul Islam, May 14, 2018, 01:44:53 PM

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Monirul Islam

You are a smart, driven individual. You have done well for yourself so far but you've hit a plateau and can't seem to get past it.
You want something bigger now. You want to make the leap to the next level. You want to do it in a way that makes a real difference, and leaves a mark.
You also see that what got you this far won't get you to your ultimate destination, and you admit that you won't want to do it all by yourself anymore.
I'm glad you are here. Welcome! I'm Farnoosh Brock. I coach entrepreneurs and business owners to accelerate success and growth through Impact, Income and Influence. I also coach corporate professionals and executives on advancing their careers, raising their leadership and creating results.

The power of the right coaching is beyond measure. When you break through your limited thinking, you begin to create the levels of success and fulfillment in your business and profession that you are truly capable of. You make the leaps of progress that would not have been possible for you if you were still stuck in the old ways of thinking and seeing the world.

I know this for a fact because coaching has made my 6-figure business and lifestyle dream a reality.

I've been investing heavily in coaches, mentors, conferences, books, programs and masterminds. I admit, I resisted the idea of hiring a coach for a miserably long time because I was trying to do it all "on my own". The truth is this: Doing it on your own takes long, wastes time, money, energy and at best produces mediocre success. That did not interest me, and I'm willing to bet that it doesn't interest you either.
