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Improve Your Seascape Photos Instantly

Started by nadimpr, April 26, 2017, 10:38:17 AM

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Find a place where the ocean meets the land and you have a seascape that's ripe with potential for a dramatic photo. With more than 70% of our planet covered by the sea, the majority of the world has access to these watery landscapes. While the techniques involved with beach scenes are similar to that of land based work, there are a number of methods that are unique to seascapes. Those who study the ocean know just how powerful it can be, and also how different it can look from one moment to the next. To capture this through the lens can result in spectacular photos.

Harsh afternoon sunlight can wreak havoc on your seascapes. With bright highlights and dark shadows, the contrast makes for especially difficult exposures. For truly dramatic scenic opportunities, dedicate the hours around sunrise and sunset to photography. You'll be amazed at how few people are there to clutter your composition. With the soft light and colorful skies, your photos will take on a new level of natural beauty.

When we experience something grand, it's tempting to try and include it all into one frame. The expansive ocean is undeniably beautiful but it's lacking in any one point of importance. Before pressing the shutter, ask yourself "what is my subject?" If you're able to provide an answer, you can learn to see like a camera. The human eye interprets a scene differently, heavily influenced by our peripheral vision and ability to scan from left to right. The camera however sees in a much simpler way, only able to record a small portion onto the sensor. By determining what the subject is, you can take the necessary steps to make an effective photo.
