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How to manage different employee types

Started by arif, April 20, 2017, 10:53:21 PM

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How to manage different employee types

Do you realize that soon over 50% of the workforce will not be working a typical 40 hour work week? There is a new blended workforce model that's being embraced by corporations worldwide, and the new workforce model has core employees in the center, these are your full-time employees that are supported by contractors, and this being done as a deliberate business strategy, because quite frankly, contractors are improving the retention of the core employees, and they're providing companies with a strong return on investment for hiring them.

US News and World Report describe the contractors in the outer ring as knowledge workers who can easily adjust to meet business demands. What's nice about hiring contractors also is the employers are viewing this as a working interview, so they see these individuals work, and this often leads to a full-time opportunity, and you have to understand as a technical recruiter that many of these contract jobs are in the niche you specialize in, they're in IT and engineering. Now, as a technical recruiter you're not only judged.
