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Increasing commitment and engagement

Started by arif, April 20, 2017, 09:39:32 PM

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Increasing commitment and engagement

When we talk about engaged employees, we mean individuals who are willing to put in more discretionary effort than others, and who are passionate about their work. Engaged employees are more committed to the long-term success of the business, and advocate for the organization. They recommend that others work there. Engaged employees positively impact business outcomes, including profitability. Employee engagement is a big deal to companies these days. Your organization may survey your employees to find out how engaged they are, and then you may spend a lot of time and money to improve engagement.

Making sure your high potentials are engaged is key. You might assume that high potentials are by definition engaged, since they're invested in, and are given more opportunities than others to be developed. Well unfortunately, it's not a safe assumption to make. In a recent study, 33% of high potentials surveyed said they weren't engaged, and admitted they aren't doing their best work. When high potentials do their best work.
