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Motivators and demotivators

Started by arif, April 20, 2017, 09:38:08 PM

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Motivators and demotivators

High potentials have a greater impact on your company's business than anyone else. It makes sense that keeping them motivated and retaining them is an important task. It can be a challenge, but one that's well worth it. The data supports that motivating and retaining high potentials is a challenge. You may feel the same way. In fact, half of executives surveyed said that their organizations don't effectively retain top talent. You might be surprised to learn that what company's think motivates high potentials isn't what actually motivates them.

Studies show there's a huge gap between the two. The first place you might go to is salary, and giving them higher pay, but 64% of high potentials say they're dissatisfied with the job experiences and career growth, not money. What they're really looking for are the things that take more effort on your part. Instead of giving them more money, focus on their growth and development. Give them more challenging assignments, increased responsibility, and autonomy.
