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Evaluating new hire performance

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 10:06:51 PM

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Evaluating new hire performance

Performance is the last stage in the onboarding process. When a new hire finishes training, they can do their job, but typically at a minimal level. In the performance stage, our goal is to help them elevate their performance. A great way to do this is through a progress check meeting. In this video, we'll cover who should be involved, what to cover, and when to hold them. Let's start with the who. Progress check meetings are ideally facilitated by the new hire's direct supervisor. That's because a progress check is really an abbreviated form of a performance review meeting. The person best suited to give that feedback is the employee's supervisor.

If you're running a company onboarding program, it's important to get buy-in from organizational leaders to have these meetings. You may also find it helpful to schedule these meetings in advance or track the meetings to make sure they're taking place. You can download the Onboarding Stakeholder's Worksheet to identify specific responsibilities for this stage.
