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What are the Common recruiting mistakes?

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:21:59 PM

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Common recruiting mistakes

Recruiting is not for the faint of heart. There are days when you talk to self-entitled people who expect you to find them the perfect job they aren't even remotely qualified to do. But it is rewarding when you help a candidate land a job at that company they've always wanted to work for. When recruiting with diversity in mind, the stakes are even higher. You have the opportunity to affect the hiring process by reminding hiring managers and entitled stakeholders of their obligation to recognize bias and act accordingly. Remember my earlier example of the sales guy who almost didn't get the six figure job? After we were initially told by the CEO they intended to hire him, the bias of two of the company's board members prevented that from happening.

They created roadblocks and unfairly extended the hiring process. A different recruiter, one not as concerned with diversity, might've moved on, found another candidate, and not thought twice about the reason, much less attempted to work through it. Another recruiter might not have spent.
