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What are the Source for diversity?

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:19:09 PM

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Source for diversity

Active sourcing is imperative for a diversity recruiting program because you have to get out and engage candidates instead of relying on traditional sources. According to SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, sourcing is the proactive searching for qualified job candidates for current or planned open positions. It's a major part of the recruiting process, and when done well, all the other parts of the process are made so much easier. Personally, what I love about sourcing is that it is the active part of recruiting.

You expand your candidate pool based upon where you go and who you meet. You can build relationships with organizations, create partnerships, and obtain referrals. There are a number of ways to be successful in executing diversity recruitment sourcing, and we'll talk about four of them. Networking is by far my favorite way to meet new candidates because there is an element of screening to it. As you meet people, you are able to get a sense of who they really are. By meeting people in person.
