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How the recruitment process is relevant to the individual

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:15:30 PM

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How the recruitment process is relevant to the individual

Let's take a look at the recruiting process from the candidate's point of view. What is the number one thing a candidate absolutely hates about applying for a job? If you said the interview process, having to create or update their resume, or the fact that they hardly ever get a response when they apply, you would be right about all of those. However, in this case, I'm referring to the application process itself. Why, because they wonder if anyone ever actually looks at their resume. Candidates call the online application process a black hole, and yes, they are referring to your company too, not just your competitors.

While every candidate experiences the uncertainty of the job hunt, there is an added component underlying the job search of a candidate of color. Most non-white candidates have experienced discrimination in the hiring process. It's unfortunate, but it does occur frequently. During my speaking engagements, I usually ask the audience to raise their hand if they have not experienced discrimination in the job search process.