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Outlining a promotion strategy and alerting your organization

Started by Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU), April 18, 2017, 10:20:32 AM

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Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU)

Outlining a promotion strategy and alerting your organization

- Before you actually go out and promote your content, you need to outline your promotion strategy. Once you publish your content online, you then have to promote it through various channels. Let's go through, step by step, what you need to think about when outlining your promotion strategy. Step one, create a strategy document. Once you have published a piece of content, you must send out a strategy document to your team that outlines and includes the following items. What topic the content is created about. The audience the content piece addresses. The different goals that the content piece addresses.

The thesis that's included in the content throughout. The table of contents, if available. The buying stage that the content was created for and any promotion suggestions that you, as the content team, might have. By creating this strategy document, you can help guide and outline your promotion team. Step number two, always score your content. You can use your marketing automation tool to score your content. Base your score on the different content types, your buying stage and persona.

You can often toggle the score up and down based on the importance of your content piece, but by scoring your content, you can help determine how close a person who downloads it is to being a customer. Step number three, meet with your stakeholders. You wanna set up some time with your various promotional teams to go over goals and to describe to them what the asset is about and what it should be used for. Teams you should set up some time with are your demand generation teams, social media, your online marketing teams, product marketing and public relations.

Step number four, create a promotion plan. So work with each team stakeholder to create an overall promotional plan for each asset. For large assets, consider meeting weekly or bi-weekly until launch. Assign a project manager. This might be yourself or it might be a member of the promotional team, and then ensure that team member stays on task over time. Step number five is to make sure your plan is multichannel. You wanna be where your buyers are.

Your buyers might be on social media. They could be on your website. But wherever they are, be sure that your promotion plan touches all these areas. By promoting your content on multiple channels, you can ultimately maximize your exposure. Also remember to promote content on appropriate channels for the content type. Not all channels make sense to promote every single piece of content on. Then, always test your promotion strategies. You might think that you wanna promote a content asset on a certain channel, but then discover that it's not the best channel for that particular asset.

So now that you've sat down with your stakeholders and outlined your promotional plan, it's time to actually get promoting.

Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU)
Asst. Administrative Officer and Apprentice
Daffodil International University
102/1, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207.
Cell: +8801671-041005, +8801812-176600