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The Communication Strategy Framework

Started by bbasujon, April 18, 2017, 12:25:33 AM

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The Communication Strategy Framework

Nowadays, we communicate with others in many different ways.

For example, we can get our message across face-to-face, over the phone, by email or IM, or by video call or VoIP. We can also communicate with written reports, workshops, webinars, advertisements, presentations, and speeches.

However, to get the best results from our communications, we need to have planned them effectively. Without careful thought and consideration we can easily confuse our audience or fail to get our message across. This can undermine our credibility and effectiveness.

In this article, we'll look at the Communication Strategy Framework, a simple tool that you can use to organize your messages, remove possible communication barriers, and get the results you want.

About the Model

Michael and Sandra Rouse developed the Communication Strategy Framework, and published it in their 2002 book, "Business Communications: A Cultural and Strategic Approach."

The framework guides you through the process of planning and organizing your messages, so that you can avoid communication barriers, increase understanding, and get the response you want from your audience.

The Communication Strategy Framework consists of four elements that you should consider carefully as your organize and craft your message:

Communicator strategy.
Audience strategy.
Channel strategy.
Message strategy.
