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Developing In-House Instructors

Started by bbasujon, April 17, 2017, 10:36:41 AM

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Imagine that your organization is about to roll out a major software upgrade which will save a lot of time and money. However, if the launch is to be successful, everyone in the company needs to learn to use the new software.

The software company has provided a trainer to teach your people to use the new platform. However, there are thousands of people in your organization, and, with only one trainer, it will take months to get everyone trained.

A faster approach is to use this trainer to teach, say, 10 people from your organization how to train others in the new software. If each of these people trains 10 more trainers (and so on), then you can quickly have hundreds or thousands of trainers available to teach people the new system, meaning that you can introduce it quickly and effectively.

In this article, we'll look at the benefits of training your own in-house trainers, and the steps that you should take to develop these new trainers effectively.

Benefits and Uses

The Train-the-Trainer (TTT) approach is a widely acknowledged method used in various industries, including education, public health, and even global affairs. The TTT approach allows one experienced trainer to train a large group of new trainers quickly; and these new trainers will then, in turn, go on to train tens or hundreds of others.