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Career based Radio programme | Connections In The News

Started by Doha, April 16, 2017, 05:42:02 PM

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Career based Radio programme | Connections In The News

Munir Hasan, the coordinator of Youth Programme at Prothom Alo along with M Murshed Haider discussed various aspects of career strategy, how to utilize the time and make the right choices and importance of setting the career goal.

If you are engaged in a job search and sending out job applications without hearing anything back from the employer, you are not alone. If you are spending your weekdays counting down the minutes until you get to the weekend, you are not alone.

According to a recent survey, only 13 per cent of people feel a sense of passion or a deep connection to their work, while 63 per cent are unhappy or disengaged.

M Murshed Haider, CEO of OptiMA HR Solutions, has partnered with Radio Shadhin 92.4 FM and initiated a career
based radio programme titled 'Follow your dreams' to address different career related aspects for youths. The program is broadcast every Thursday from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

The first episode of the program was aired on last Thursday and received positive feedback from the aspiring graduates and corporate executives. Munir Hasan, the coordinator of Youth Program at ProthomAlo along with M Murshed Haider discussed various aspects of career strategy, how to utilise the time and make the right choices and importance of setting the career goal. They mentioned that having a career strategy is important. It can help someone manage the direction s/he wants his/her career to take, the job skills and knowledge s/he will need, and how to get them.

Munir Hasan emphasized reading books and sharing the knowledge. Murshed also introduced the book 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' to the audience and mentioned why this is a must read book for the
young generation.

RJ Nazyr asked relevant career related questions to both the experts and initiated quiz question for the audience. It was mentioned that the winner of the quiz in each episode will receive autographed book 'Master Password' which has become a very popular career guide and a complete career solution since it was published in this year's Bangla Academy book fair.

The programme was presented by OptiMA HR Solutions, a fast growing HR consultancy firm and was powered by Watermark MCL, one of the largest PR agencies in Bangladesh. Upcoming episodes of this programme will focus on career and skill development, says a press release.

Source: Linkedin