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Building an Effective Team

Started by bbasujon, April 11, 2017, 04:18:21 PM

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Step 1: Analyze and Plan

Whether you've been tasked with setting up a new team, or you're taking over an existing one, begin by defining the goal of your team. What is its ultimate purpose? What are your expectations? How will your team contribute to your organization's goals and mission? Then create a Team Charter Add to My Personal Learning Plan to help clarify your team's objectives.

If you're in charge of an existing team, and you want to help it function more effectively, take our Team Effectiveness Assessment Add to My Personal Learning Plan. This quiz will help you understand the areas that you need to work on.

You can also conduct a DILO (Day in the Life Of) Analysis Add to My Personal Learning Plan. This helps you analyze your team's daily activity, to identify what people are actually doing with their time, resources, and energy. You'll also be able to spot problem areas, and this will help you think about how you'll improve your team's overall effectiveness.

If you're setting up a new team, or making significant changes to an existing team, you'll also want to define specific roles and tasks at this stage. Try to ensure that no tasks or responsibilities overlap unnecessarily between roles, as this could cause problems later on. (Techniques like Swim Lane Analysis Add to My Personal Learning Plan can help you analyze your processes and think about who does what.)