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How to Get the Best From an Extra Miler

Started by bbasujon, April 11, 2017, 04:03:28 PM

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What Is an Extra Miler?

Li's research identified two types of extra miler: ones that use "helping" (promoting team cooperation and harmonious relationships by taking on work that is outside their core roles) and ones that use "voice" (challenging the team's culture, values and practices, to try to improve existing practices and promote creativity).

The extra miler usually does both of these things. However, two separate individuals may perform these roles.

Li's team was inspired, in part, by a previous study that found that the top five percent of employees produce 26 percent of a company's output. This, in turn, was linked to an idea known as minority influence Add to My Personal Learning Plan, which happens when a majority is persuaded to accept the beliefs or behavior of a minority, and the result is a real shift in opinion, rather than just superficial compliance.

However, for this to work, you must first identify the extra miler on your team, and then give him a central position in its workflow.