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Why Career Planning is Important

Started by mahmud34-729, September 26, 2018, 10:43:42 PM

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Career planning is one of the most important steps students can do prior to applying to colleges for their own best outcomes, as well as the financial benefit to their parents.

Unfortunately, career planning is often overlooked during the college planning process because stu­dents and parents have prioritized other criteria for college selection such as prestige, sports, image, influence of peers, teachers, Alma Ma­ter etc. A major factor behind college transfer and drop out rates is a lack of career planning and a failure to make college decisions based on career goals that are compatible with one's interests, talents and career relevant personal attributes. Most families do not start the college planning process until the senior of high school.

If families started their planning earlier in high school the results would be drastically different. Research by the US Department of Education and American College Testing show the consequence of not having a career plan is a much higher risk that the student will "transfer" to another college or "drop out" all together. To give you an idea of the size of the transfer/dropout problem, each year 51% of col­lege freshman drop out or transfer out of the college in which they first enrolled.  Transferring to another college can also lead to more expense for the family.

The Department of Education also tells us that it takes 5.2 years to complete a four year education.  After a families home, a college education for their children is the largest expense.  Take the time to explore the options.  Getting help is the best way to avoid the pitfalls of the process to insure your child is making the right choice for the right reasons.

Source: Google.