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Human Resources in the On-Demand Economy

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 10:10:35 PM

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Human Resources in the On-Demand Economy

Whether you work for a Fortune 500 firm or for a small business, you have to address people-related business issues. These include finding, hiring, and leading top talent. In the emerging world of work, however, at least some of that talent may not reside within your organization. What does it mean to lead when workers are not employees? In the on-demand economy, sometimes known as the gig economy, think now. Think about the need to find and hire people with the exact skills you need when you need them.

Think free agents, contractors, and e-lancers. My name is Wayne Cascio. I'm a professor in the Business School at the University of Colorado-Denver. I've been writing, consulting, and teaching about managing people for decades. This course is designed for general managers who will have to manage people along with other resources. What's different is that we'll be talking about managing people who are not traditional employees. The course is an overview, not a formula or a step-by-step approach.

I'll share key concepts that will get you started on your way to managing non-traditional employees effectively. With all of this in mind, let's dive in and take part in the new on-demand economy.
