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Relying on advertising

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:27:10 PM

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Relying on advertising

If you were presented with two equally qualified candidates to fill an urgent job opening, and the only difference between the two is that one was an active candidate, or actively looking for a job, and the other was a passive candidate who had not previously considered leaving their current job, which one would you choose to work with? You would probably choose to work with the active candidate, because that person is ready, willing, and available to start a new job right away, while the passive candidate isn't really looking for a job at all, and you would have to spend valuable time convincing them your role is the right one for them.

However, surveys have shown that 75% of the workforce are not actively seeking a new job. So, by only focusing on active candidates, you're leaving a rather large portion of the workforce untapped. Diversity recruiting needs to focus on passive candidates because most of the candidates you seek are not currently considering a role with your company. You aren't on their radar, and quite frankly.
