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Giving up on diversity without real data

Started by arif, April 19, 2017, 09:23:04 PM

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Giving up on diversity without real data

Remember that time you tried something and it didn't work, so you gave up, and then all of a sudden, without any effort, it started working for you? Yeah, me neither. Unfortunately, things don't often work that way, so why would a diversity recruiting initiative be any different? There are so many ways to recruit for diversity, but often you'll try one and it doesn't work, so you give up and go back to the status quo. Diversity recruiting is not accomplished in a vacuum. From writing the job description to sourcing, screening, interviewing, hiring, even onboarding and advancement.

All of these factors affect the success of your process. Therefore, before putting a stop to a process that has been implemented, look to layer in some additional features. For example, if you change the way you source and now you have more women in your pipeline, you probably should also be reviewing the job descriptions to ensure they aren't describing a culture that might be discouraging to women. Other ways your process can be impeded.
