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Instructions for Searching and Applying for Jobs on LinkedIn

Started by Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU), April 17, 2017, 10:31:58 AM

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Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU)

Instructions for Searching and Applying for Jobs on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a terrific source of job listings. Job seekers can search and apply for jobs directly on LinkedIn. In addition, you will be able to view and contact your LinkedIn connections who may be able to refer you for the job.

Before You Get Started
Before you start job hunting, be sure that your profile is up-to-date and well-written because hiring managers will be looking at it. Your LinkedIn profile should be as carefully considered and written as your resume.
Include descriptions of your various roles with an emphasis on accomplishments and value added. Make sure you fill out your profile with recommendations and endorsements whenever possible. Here's how to create a LinkedIn profile that will make the best impression on employers.

LinkedIn has a variety of powerful tools for finding jobs. The easiest way to start job searching is to use the job listings page which enables users to identify openings by activating many different filters including location, industry, company, job function, level of position, employer and/or keywords.

How to Search for Jobs On LinkedIn
Here's how to get started. You will find a link to Jobs on the top navigation on LinkedIn. To search for jobs:

Click on Jobs
Add keywords related to the jobs you are interested in, such as job title, a specific company name, an industry, or a skill, and then click Search

There is also a location field, which you can fill in or leave blank.

Advanced Search Options
You will be able to organize the job listings that match your query by the date they were posted. When you are viewing the list of available jobs, you can click on the similar link under a job posting to see similar job listings.

More Job Search Tools
Job seekers can also find jobs posted at organizations where their LinkedIn contacts work by clicking on the logo of each employer. You will then see a list of jobs at that organization and links to any of your contacts who work there. LinkedIn also suggests a series of current job openings at various employers based on the profile information which you have supplied to the system.
In addition, if you have a company you'd like to work for you can visit the company page to view a list of open jobs listed on LinkedIn.

Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU)
Asst. Administrative Officer and Apprentice
Daffodil International University
102/1, Shukrabad, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1207.
Cell: +8801671-041005, +8801812-176600