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Source: Skill Jobs Blog Post


Welcome to Career Article Zone ( and the 'navigator' of Career Development Center (CDC), Daffodil International University, your handy resource in starting your career.

Where do I start? How do I write a good resume? How do I excel in interviews? How does the web approach work? These are some of the many questions you probably would ask yourself when looking for a job and excel your career. As you go through the INTERVIEW GUIDE, you will find comfort in knowing exactly what to do with yourself.


Career is the most used word in the world nowadays. But the question is, are we ready to get hired for our dream job? Are we really serious about our career? Some people don't even have the idea of the difference between job and career. The concept of a job is micro where the term career has the vast meaning and implications. Most of our fresh graduates are too reluctant even thinking about careers. It seems they damn care about their future as well as their career while they are in their student period. Their thought is traditional and very typical. One thing they should know is the current hyper competitive corporate world; technology has erased the boundary of competition. No competition is relying among the competitors at home, its become global now. If we are sleeping like a rabbit, some tortoise may win the game. Shaping a career is not a gambling; thus, you simply cannot focus only on your luck. Your hard work does this. If you are determined to make NAME, FAME AND GAME, then take the game as a challenge, spread up your fame followed by your performance and hold your name on top. We become habitat by involvement not by commitment, while commitment gear you up towards your destination not your involvement. There is no shortcut in your life to be a successful one. You should have some commitment which might create a platform for your success. Remember, try to be a leader not be a follower. If that's not possible then be a good follower rather than ordinary one.  It said well "Go big, or go home."  We might think about this quite a bit as it seemed so brash and arrogant. Each person has the opportunity to define "big" for him or herself. If we are to live our dreams and visions about how we want our lives to be, how we want to be remembered, what our contribution to our daily world could be, it IS true. Go big or go home!

Have a vision. Have a master plan for your entire life. What would you like to be doing, experiencing, being or having in your life? What are the things that are most important, significant and valuable to you? If you have no proper answers for them; your career and future may be in trouble. Think big! Think limitlessly. Think "out of the box." People are often limited by their minds, reluctant to stretch. Remember what Napoleon Hill said: "if you can conceive it, and believe it, you can achieve it!" If you find yourself surrounded by the people who are "thinking little," it might be difficult to find support and acceptance for your big plans. You may have to include some new associates who want to play "big," too! You have probably heard that, if you want to run with the big dogs, you have to get off the porch! Jump off that porch and get running!

বিভিন্ন ধরনের চাকুরীর তথ্য পেতে ভিজিট করুন

We need to pay attention prior to draw our career path. You need to consider what you would like to right now and what later on. Both short term and long term goals are important for each individual life. The significant difference is that short-term goals lead directly to long term goals that fit perfectly into the master plan and these keep you in charge! Don't lock yourself in one semantic plan or dimension; consider your preference, interests during drawing your career blueprint. Keep always an alternative plan; keep plan B all the time to make your career journey smoothly. Make sure your master plan should be a plan for your joy and passion, not for your duty and obligation. If you don't admire your own profession, nobody will hail you and you might be considered as an educated slave. Love your job whatever it is then the job will love you too. Thus, you will find the way to your destination.

Choose/Select the right Major according to your Career Path

In most of the cases people become confused while they are going to select their major or area or field where they want to see themselves in future. At this stage a majority of students are not motivated by their own but by some others as parents' choice, elders' decisions or what their supervisor suggests. Even they don't think for a while it is your life, not others. You own your life. How come some others will decide what you would be in future? There are some steps that you need to consider while you are in the process of drawing a Career Roadmap. The first step in the Career Roadmap is to Know Yourself. It is vital to identify your INTERESTS, VALUES, SKILLS, PERSONALITY and PREFERENCES in order to make your career well and effective. We should consider the below things while we are going to design our career roadmap and these are:

Learning about your interests will help you identify opportunities to pursue and the topics you are most naturally drawn to, making school and work more motivating and enjoyable.

Values are the things that motivate us and move us toward certain decisions, behaviors and goals. Values greatly influence the career decision making process, job satisfaction and, ultimately, life satisfaction.

Skills are the things that you are good at and have the ability to do well. Assessing your skills allows you to determine which ones you want to acquire or further develop, the specific ways to accomplish those goals, and how your skills match with potential careers.

Personality Preferences & Interpersonal Needs.......To read more please click the following link:

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    সফটওয়্যার ডেভেলপমেন্ট এর ক, খ, গ ,ঘ

    By Skill Jobs Blog

    আমরা অনেকেই স্বপ্ন দেখি ভবিষ্যতে সফটওয়্যার ডেভেলপার হবো। আমাদের বানানো সফটওয়্যার হাজার হাজার মানুষ ব্যবহার করবে। দেশীয় এবং আন্তর্জাতিক বিভিন্ন টেক জায়ান্ট কোম্পানিতে জব করব কিংবা নিজের একটা টেক স্টার্টআপ থাকবে। তবে সফটওয়্যার ডেভেলপমেন্ট এর লম্বা রাস্তা এবং এর শাখা প্রশাখার বিস্তৃতি দেখে অনেকেই ঘাবড়ে যায়। বিশেষ করে নতুনদের মধ্যে নানা সংশয়, ভয় কাজ করে। সত্যি বলতে সঠিক গাইডলাইন এর অভাবে অনেকেই শেষে নিজের পছন্দের সফটওয়্যার ইন্ডাস্ট্রিতে কাজ করতে পারেনা। আজকের এই আর্টিকেল তাদের জন্য লেখা।

    আজকের আর্টিকেলের মুল উদ্দেশ্য আপনাদের কিছু শব্দ এবং এর রিয়েল লাইফ ব্যবহার এর সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দেয়া। কেননা অনেক সময় এমন হয় যে আপনি হয়তো কোন একটা বিষয় নিজে বুঝছেন কিন্তু অন্যকে বলতে পারছেন না কেননা আপনি সেটাকে কি বলে জানেন না, আবার গুগলে সার্চ করতে করতে ক্লান্ত কিন্তু আসল শব্দটাই অজানা রয়ে গেছে। এই বিভ্রান্তি থেকে রক্ষা পেতে আজকে আমরা জানব বেসিক কিছু বিষয় যা নতুনদের জেনে রাখা ভাল।

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    যদি আপনি সিএস ব্যকগ্রাউন্ডের হন হবে অবশ্যই প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ, ডাটা স্ট্রাকচার, এলগরিদম ডিজাইন, ডাটাবেজ ইত্যাদী কোর্স ভালভাবে জেনে আসতে হবে।

    প্রথেম আসি এই যে আপনারা সবাই ফেসবুকে চালাচ্ছেন। ফেসবুকে আপনার অনেক স্ট্যাটাস আছে, অনেক ছবি রাখছেন। নানা মানুষের সাথে চ্যাটিং কিংবা কথা বলা কত কি ফিচার এতে আছে। মোবাইলে ফাংশন একরকম , পিসিতে আবার অন্যরকম। ফেসবুক এর মতো এতো বড় বা যেকোন ওয়েব এপ্লিকেশন / সফটওয়্যার কে আমারা যদি সিম্পল ভাবে কয়েকটা বিভাগে ভাগ করতে পারি।

    ফ্রন্টএন্ডঃ  সহজ ভাবে বললে ফ্রন্টএন্ড হচ্ছে একটা সফটওয়্যারে আপনি যা দেখতে পান, যার মাধ্যমে আপনি সেটার সাথে কাজ করতে পারেন। এটাকে টেকনিক্যালি আমরা User Interface (UI) বলতে পারি। এবার আসি এই User Interface এ কি কি থাকে

    ধরুন, একটা বাড়ির ফাউন্ডেশন থাকে, পিলার থাকে যা অবকাঠামো দেয়। আবার মানব শরীরে কংকাল থাকে। একটা ওয়েব এপ্লিকেশনে এই অবকাঠামো দেয় HTML

    এই HTML হচ্ছে একটা মার্কআপ ল্যাংগুয়েজ যা আপনাকে শিখতে হবে। জীবনে সবক্ষেত্রে এটা এখন আপনার অন্যতম সঙ্গী এবং সবচাইতে সহজে শেখা যায় এটা।

    এবার ধরুন বাড়িটায় আপনি সুন্দরমতো রঙ করলেন, টাইলস করলেন সিঁড়িতে অর্থাৎ আউটলুকটা চেঞ্জ করবেন। মূলত যা দিয়ে করা হয় এই স্টাইলিং সেটা হচ্ছে CSS

    এই CSS দিয়ে আপনি একটা ওয়েব এপ্লিকেশন এর সমস্ত ডিজাইন করে ফেলতে পারেন, আকার আকৃতি, রঙ সবই করতে পারবেন এই CSS দিয়ে।
    তো HTML এর পর আপনাকে শিখতে হবে CSS
    এবার এই বাড়িতে আবার লিফট আছে। বাটন চাপলে সেই ফ্লোরে নামিয়ে দেয়। কত সুন্দর না ? একটা ওয়েব এপ্লিকেশন এর User Interface এ যদি আপনি এ ধরনের Interaction দেখেন তবে বুঝবেন সেখানে অবশ্যই কোন না কোন Client Side Programming/Scripting Language ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে।

    এখানে ক্লাইয়েন্ট মানে একজন ইউজার এর ডিভাইস বুঝানো হয়েছে। মূলত ব্রাউজার ওয়েব এপ্লিকেশন এর ক্ষেত্রে। অর্থাৎ যে ল্যাংগুয়েজ মূলত একজন ইউজার এর ব্রাউজার বা ডিভাইসে কাজ করে........

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      Does Skill Matter in Job Market?

      Author: K M Hasan Ripon, Executive Director, BSDI
      Skill Jobs Blog

      Everyone is looking for job. The fresh graduates are looking for a job, and the person who is even working, he also wants to get a better job. That is the norms of the world I guess. In the process of finding a better job, some of us get it and some people will wait for a job. Among all of us, we will find a category, who will be successful in getting their desired job. We call them lucky! We all may agree on the point that no one will give us a job as a gift! We have to achieve it or we have to prove that somehow I am the competent person among all and deserve the job. However, it is a tough place and success comes to the person who truly gives their best to prove them. There is a simple but open trick to get the success too. That is, if we can match our knowledge, skills, experience, relationship and behavior with employer's problems and fulfill expectations, then we will get into the spotlight. Are you thinking it is hard? Not at all. We just need to take careful steps ahead.

      As human being, we always like to be proficient in our respective fields. To get success in our career we need to have different skills associated with our career and we have to go through the learning process to prove our excellence and ensure the care growth. If we stop learning new skills, it will automatically leave our position behind or someone else may take away our position. So in developing a successful career we need to remember it.
      Learning something new is sometimes difficult too, especially at the beginning of the career when we start to learn. We make mistakes over and over again. In some cases, we leave the learning effort for the fear of making mistakes. But the reality is that the only way to learn something new is

      • to practice relentlessly,
      • to make mistakes over and over again, and
      • to be committed not to repeat the same mistakes again

      Canadian journalist, author Malcolm Gladwell, in his famous book Outliers, says that "ten thousand (10,000) hours of practice is required to be an expert in any one field." Going a step further, author Josh Kaufman, in his book The Personal MBA, mentions that it takes about 20 hours of practice to get from "I can't do anything to I can do one thing" – which is 45 minutes a day of regular practice. So no matter what you want to be "fairly good" or "expert" in a subject, you need to practice. Various studies say that practice is also extremely difficult for those who have already acquired high skills in one subject and want to acquire skills in another new subject. And this is probably why many of the veterans are a little reluctant to acquire any new skills. They think that reading a book and discussion on a specific topic is enough to become competent in any skills. Our education system is the example of it. Students are awarded degrees based on how well they can memorize. But at the present time it is universally acknowledged that skill is never possible by only reading and discussing. It requires learning by doing and practicing it over and over again. So skill development is very crucial.

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      Let me clear the facts with some Case studies:

      1. I started my career in the Corporate Cell of a reputed organization. For the nature of my job, I had to keep communication with National & International organizations. I had to submit Project proposals. So many times, I had to submit the proposal in Bangladesh and which was a difficult job for me, as I didn't know the Bengali typing. Therefore I had to depend on others. I used to take the help from one of my colleagues. First time he was enthusiastic. But when I started to send proposal then his facial expressions directly indicated me that he is not at all enjoying typing my tasks. So I decided to learn it. I made my mind to learn Bengali typing. Firstly it took around 12 hours to type a single page. I didn't leave the battle. I started doing it with more enthusiasm and I can proudly say I have the fastest typing skill in Bangla now.

      2. As I am leading few organizations, I remain always engaged in Marketing and Promotional tasks. Sometimes, I have to depend on Graphic Designer, and sometimes, I depend on Video Editor. Yes, I get great cooperation, no doubt, but sometimes, we face such situation, where the production of promotional materials becomes very urgent. Neither I can rush to them, nor give support here. Because those are technical skills and we need to learn it. I have some experience here too. Many years ago, for an urgent design ................

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      Job Searching Tips & Guidelines / Are YOU ready to get Hired?
      Last post by Doha - April 05, 2021, 02:48:16 PM
      Are YOU ready to get Hired?

      BySkill Jobs Blog

      Welcome to Career Article Zone ( and the 'navigator' of Career Development Center (CDC), Daffodil International University, your handy resource in starting your career.

      Most Often than not a number of university students don't have proper focus on career planning. They don't know after completing the graduation what s/he will do? The majority want a job, what kind of job, in what discipline/specialization or in what industry- this is not a big deal for them. They just need a job to start a career but the thing is that after a certain period, there is no job satisfaction, s/he re-invents her/himself that s/he is not fit for the career, whether s/he would be the right person for other careers. Before looking for a job, they need to analyze their career path, focusing on their passion.

      So, dear students at first, YOU have to know, why are YOU looking for a job? And then ask yourself, what do YOU want in a life?

      You will never reach your destination if you don't know where to go...

      Now that we know what we want, let's go job hunting. Successful job hunting is a major life project. It must be carefully planned and executed.

      Critical success factors:

      The right attitude and frame of mind: Your focus determines your reality
      You have to want it
      You have to be prepared to promote yourself
      You have to imagine yourself at the interview
      You have to see yourself in that job

      Your documents : Have ready your documents you worked so hard for
      Your Résumé
      Your Certificates
      Your Transcripts


      To prepare your résumé you have to know the difference between résumé  & curriculum-vitae. A résumé is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a résumé  is brief and concise – no more than a page or two, curriculum vitae is a longer (at least two page) and more detailed synopsis. You should follow the standard rules & techniques about résumé writing techniques about résumé writing through online career portal/job portal such as, etc. to prepare your résumé  world standard.

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      The 3 C's of what employers are looking for from your résumé


      Level of Knowledge: – Obtained through academic achievement, acquired through reading and experiential learning.
      Skills: – Your proven ability to perform in your task.
      Experience – What you might have done to help you fit quickly into the role.


      Team player – a person who has a strong sense of comradeship.
      Pleasant personality, understand the team's beliefs, values and norms.
      Drive and energy – quickly gets adjusted into the team.
      Will defend what the team stands for collectively.
      Dependable & Reliable.


      Organized, plan work and desire to achieve.

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      HR Track / 4 Reasons Quality Beats Quanti...
      Last post by Doha - April 01, 2021, 10:40:55 AM
      4 Reasons Quality Beats Quantity

      by Todd Brisson Source: Medium Daily Digest

      Convincing you a wild idea — that writing well about what matters is more important and meaningful than writing lots about what is popular.  It's a hard job.

      Current common sense says the person who does the most wins.

      First, online content is no longer novel.
      The first video was uploaded to Instagram only less than a decade ago. We were all so thrilled that Greg from Iowa could upload directly from his iPhone that we didn't care the feed was fuzzy, the camera was shaky, or that Greg's toilet was visible behind him. Now, we consistently see videos of a much higher quality. The novelty is gone. Naturally, we raised our standards as a result.
      Although the history of blog posts is longer than Instagram's, written word has gone through a similar cycle. It's not that your idea isn't good. It's that... well... we've probably seen it before at this point.

      Second, the sheer volume of noise (caused by everyone following the quantity rule) has our decision-making faculties fatigued.
      If you open any social platform and spend 24 straight hours swiping your finger from bottom to top, you would never run out of content. We produce quintillions of bytes of data per day.

      What makes you stop and actually consume a piece of work? Is it when you see the same person's face 33 times in a day?
      Probably not.

      More likely, it's remarkable work. A video with a good opening sequence. An photo with a stunning subject. A first line you can't look away from. In a deluge of items that look identical, you pick the one that stands out.

      Third, the platforms themselves are evolving.
      It's hard to overstate the power Big Tech has on the world. They are smarter and bolder now than ever and, frankly, they know much more about our likes and dislikes than it's comfortable to admit. The goal for most of Silicon Valley now is NOT to feed us general, popular information, but the most quality work in topics we care most about.

      A recent post by Coach Tonyhints at the changes happening behind the scenes at (an open blogging platform).
      Medium's incentives are changing... they need to give [paying] subscribers a reason to come here rather than scouring the free content everywhere else. That answer is quality. Popular is not the same as quality. Viral is not the same as quality.

      Fourth — and possibly most importantly — quantity has never been the only option, even in the internet age.
      Dan Moore spends weeks or months writing unforgettable essays.

      Shannon Ashley has received massive recognition for thoughtful, long blog posts every few days on important topics. Tim Urban releases enormous posts "whenever he can," but everyone reads them immediately.

      Don't get me wrong. It's possible to do a lot, well. But if you only have the time to choose between "the most you can do" and "the best you can do..."

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      A Lot of Workers Are Unhappy — But Their Bosses Are Thriving
      A global study conducted by Microsoft's Work Trend Index found that 41% of respondents were considering leaving their jobs

      by Mark Editor and Source: Mind Daily Digest

      41%: That's the share of respondents in a 30,000-person global survey of workers conducted by Microsoft's Work Trend Index who say they are considering leaving their jobs, as reported by Bloomberg.

      The survey found that 54% of workers say they are overworked, and 39% say they are exhausted. Their bosses, meanwhile, seem not to be sharing in their struggles, as a majority of managers and company leaders surveyed reported that they were thriving at work.

      Working remotely during the pandemic appears to be a mixed bag for workers — while some employees value the flexibility it provides, others suffer from increased isolation and blurred boundaries between work and home. Microsoft also found that the share of messages sent on its Teams messaging app sent after typical work hours had gone up by 42%. In Index, veteran remote worker
      Will Leitch listed the common mistakes people tend to make when they work from home, such as neglecting to go outside during the day.

      We think it wouldn't hurt the bosses to get some outdoors time, too — and resist sending employees messages while they're enjoying some sun.

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      Job Winning Interview Techniques / FAQs of Job Interview!
      Last post by Doha - March 28, 2021, 01:16:21 PM
      FAQs of Job Interview!

      Souce: Blog Post

      Welcome to Career Article Zone ( and the 'navigator' of Career Development Center (CDC), Daffodil International University, your handy resource in starting your career.

      You are on the spot but do not be caught with your guard down. Here are 10 of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) during the interview.
      Caution: This is merely a guide and not to be treated as textbook answers because there is none.

      Question # I    : Tell me about yourself.

      Tips:     Prepare a two-to-three minute presentation that briefly introduces yourself (where you are from), your personal interests (hobbies, community involvement, etc.), your work history and recent career experience, with the most time spent on detailing accomplishments in the last two areas.

      Question # II    : Why do you want to join this company/organization?

      Tips:     This question is intended to clue them in on your motive for wanting to join. So dig up the facts about the company, its culture and market. Don't offer "give-me"-oriented answers such as "Oh, because it's such a cool place to work", "I like your salary and benefits package" or "My friends are already here and it makes it easier for us to hang out together". Instead, demonstrate what you can chip in to help achieve the company's goals and how your skills and experience match their requirements.

      Question # III    : Why are you looking for a new job?

      Tips:     This may seem like a straightforward question, but it is very easy to slip up if you are unprepared. Keep in mind that relating anything in a negative light is in bad form. Even if you got fired from your last job, try to keep your explanation honest, brief and positive. And since most terminations happen because of an ill fit between the company and employee, not so much because of performance, you could also try taking this angle.

      If you left voluntarily, do not dwell on the negative reasons for leaving; instead demonstrate how you can make a significant contribution to the company's objectives.

      Some sample answers that may work:

      => I want to move my career in a new direction (Make sure you say something about this new direction).
      => My company was restructuring and I chose to search for better opportunities elsewhere.
      => I decided to make a change because I wanted to keep developing new skills but was unable to do this in my previous company.

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      Question # IV    : What kind of position are you looking for?

      Tips:     Vague answers such as "I want an exciting job" or "I want to grow my skills in this area" show lack of career focus and motivation.  For read more ... click the following link:

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      Basic Guidelines / Develop a Strong Impression Th...
      Last post by Doha - March 24, 2021, 09:36:08 PM
      Develop a Strong Impression Through Résumé

      Source: Skill Jobs Blog Post

      Welcome to Career Article Zone ( and the 'navigator' of Career Development Center (CDC), Daffodil International University, your handy resource in starting your career.

      Where do I start? How do I write a good résumé ? How do I excel in interviews? How does the web approach work? These are some of the many questions you probably would ask yourself when looking for a job. As you go through the INTERVIEW GUIDE, you will find comfort in knowing exactly what to do with yourself.

      'Act as a Salesperson and the product that you are bringing to market is yourself'

      Developing a strong impression on your résumé  and during an interview involves knowing your product – which is yourself. Remember that you are now acting as a salesperson and the product that you are bringing to market is yourself.

      You can start by creating a strong "profile" about yourself. A profile can be used as the opening statement on your résumé , replacing the typical "objective" statement and it can also be tailored to create an introduction about yourself when networking. A profile provides a summary of your skills and identifies your unique qualities and strengths, which help to market you to the employer.

      When writing a profile, consider the following questions:

      Who am I? i.e. Oracle Developer, Business Analyst or Project Manager
      What do I like to do? i.e. having day to day contact with people, work independently, work in a team environment
      What are my skills and abilities? i.e. troubleshooting, organizing, promoting, record keeping
      What type of work have I done in the past?
      What type of work would I like to do in the future?

      An example of a profile statement would be: An innovative software developer with 15 years experience with one of Canada's leading software firms. Extensive experience in total life cycle management with software development projects. A self starter with a unique flair to plan and organize assignments and manage people.

      Also consider your personal characteristics. For example, are you adaptable, friendly, have good judgment, a hard worker, likable, tolerant, flexible? Are you competitive, punctual, reliable, and thorough, with high energy and decisive?

      Consider your skills. A skill or aptitude, is something you use to perform a task, or in playing a role. There are three types of skills, namely functional or transferable skills, specific work content skills, and self-management skills.

      Functional skill: usually obtained as either an innate talent that comes naturally to you that has been honed by education, experience, or specific training. These skills are also transferable; you can easily take these skills from one job or task to another and apply them to the project you set out to do. Examples would be coaching, editing, analyzing, or delegating.

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      Work content skill: usually obtained through training, apprenticeship, or on-the-job. Examples would be accounting, driving, hairdressing, or engineering.

      Justify your Employability Skills through

      Self-Management skills: usually developed in early years at school, through peers, among family. Also referred to as adaptive skills. Examples would be dependability, punctuality, flexibility, and sense of humour.

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      Post-pandemic: What skills will you need to thrive?

      'The pandemic has delivered 10 years' worth of anticipated change, in less than 10 months'

      Digital transformation is profoundly changing the nature of work and forward-thinking leaders recognise we're living in the midst of 'The Great Acceleration'. Whilst HR leaders have been planning for the future of work for some time the COVID pandemic has greatly accelerated these trends. Developments that seemed far-off have suddenly arrived as leaders scrambled to formulate new business models and approaches.

      Vicky Knight, associate dean of international programmes at BPP Education Group, in her recent presentation at The Digital Leadership 'Asian Futures' Series, noted that the impact of the pandemic has delivered 10 years' worth of anticipated change, in less than 10 months.

      The World Economic Forum's (WEF) 2020 Future of Jobs Survey has estimated that by 2025, 85 million jobs will be displaced by shifting the division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms. But the news is not all bad – their research also identified a potential 97 million new roles that will emerge as a result of deepening technological integration.

      These new roles are creating a growing demand for new skills and capabilities across the workforce, with technological adoption driving the need for technical skills to harness the opportunities of digital transformation, but at the same time, people skills are an increasingly important part of the 2025 skills agenda.

      To unlock the benefits of transformation and thrive in an era of disruption, workforces must adopt new skills and capabilities. BPP's own research supports these findings. Knight comments: "We recently surveyed 1,500 professionals and asked them to identify the skills they think people in their profession need to develop now and over the next five years.

      "The results found that as technical integration deepens and the need for technical skills increases, so too does the need for skills that can't be replicated by machines or algorithms. In-demand technical skills include digital fluency, big data and analytics, AI and automation. And people skills include active learning, leadership and social influence, creativity, ideation and originality. The global pandemic is also driving a new skills agenda, with a focus on resilience, optimism and well-being."

      How to develop a successful culture of learning
      For many organisations, skills gaps are hampering transformation and leading to a loss of competitive advantage. The WEF recognise that skills gaps will remain the most significant challenge to deliver digital transformation in the age of disruption with 50% of employees globally needing re-skilling by 2025.

      As for those who remain in their current roles, 40% of the core skills needed will shift. McKinsey recently reported that although 78% of leaders recognise that capability building is very or extremely important, only 16% have begun to build priority capabilities.

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      How to be a more compassionate leader
      Forward-thinking digital leaders are accelerating their capability analysis, scoping their capability priorities and creating cultures of ongoing learning. As digital leaders build the organisation of the future, they must work to instil an end-to-end cultural focus on learning, from the top of the organisation to its bottom.

      Creating a true learning organisation not only requires a shift in thinking to ensure that learning is core to both business strategy and organisational culture, but also depends upon developing the key building blocks of learning organisations:

      a supportive learning environment concrete learning practices and leadership behaviour that reinforces the learning agenda.
      Traditional approaches to learning are no longer agile or impactful enough to meet the enormous talent challenges ahead. When organisations need more and more new skills that are refreshed often, what becomes important aren't just skills but enduring capabilities and the ability to learn, apply and adapt them.

      To be fit for the future learning must be personalised, relevant, convenient and social, and learners need support to apply their capabilities in the 'flow of work'. More than ever, L&D professionals recognize that mindset and behaviour changes need a different approach – a longer and deeper engagement than traditional one-off training can deliver better results.

      COVID-19 has revealed resilience and adaptability of the workforce, but the challenge now is to sustain the momentum gained and discover new ways to thrive in the long term. Leaders must seize the opportunity of the crisis response to design the future of work by employing the lessons, practices, and goodwill they have engendered. The pace and scale of organizational development must simultaneously keep up with radical change, 'business as usual' and preparations for the future.

      More than ever, leaders must create new opportunities to ensure staff can deliver on new business strategies, develop a flexible, agile, and digitally-enabled workforce, and encourage a learning culture to futureproof their people and their organizations.

      "Now is not the time to pull back on workforce development efforts, but to double down on the commitment from business leaders to invest in building agile and resilient organizations fit for the future," says Knight.

      About BPP
      BPP is a global education provider delivering a full-range of qualifications for professionals at every stage of their career. This includes professional qualifications, university degrees, apprenticeships, work-based learning, and accredited short courses. Established for over 40 years, we deliver courses in law, accountancy, technology, management, nursing and more. Our education is delivered to be as real-world, relevant and innovative as possible.

      Job Winning Interview Techniques / How To Handle Interviews – Imp...
      Last post by Doha - March 22, 2021, 04:58:22 PM
      How To Handle Interviews – Impress The Interviewer!

      Source: Skill Jobs Blog Post

      Welcome to Career Article Zone ( and the 'navigator' of Career Development Center (CDC), Daffodil International University, your handy resource in starting your career.

      Where do I start? How do I write a good resume? How do I excel in interviews? How does the web approach work? These are some of the many questions you probably would ask yourself when looking for a job. As you go through the INTERVIEW GUIDE, you will find comfort in knowing exactly what to do with yourself.


      The interview is a crucial area. It is not enough to show up for the meeting and hope that inspiration will hit you. While a well-crafted resume will definitely help carry you to first base, it is the interview that will ultimately bring you to home base – or lead you to a strikeout. Therefore, knowing how to play the interview cat-and-mouse game cannot be overemphasized. There are different forms of the interview but the basic principles of good interviewing remain the same.

      Dig up all you can about the hiring company and prepare ahead of time by anticipating questions and having ready answers in your head. During the interview, extend a warm handshake, show confidence and enthusiasm and flash your pearly whites. After the interview, do not forget to thank the interviewer and to inquire about what will happen next. Back home, draft and send a Thank You letter to the interviewer immediately.

      A serious job seeker should not leave this crucial stage of the search process to chance or luck. Here are 10 rules of thumb for a winning interview performance:

      Research beforehand on the company's services, products and operations. Get details from their annual reports or websites. This way, you will be able to intelligently discuss how your talents, skills and experience can help reach their organizational goals. Bring along additional materials for a successful presentation, such as an extra resume and work samples.

      The horrendous traffic is no excuse to be late to your appointment and thus earn debit points from the start. Leave for the interview at least one hour earlier than necessary to cope with any contingencies such as motor breakdown, traffic jams and poor weather.

      DRESS SMART   

      Remember what they say about first impressions? You may be tempted in this casual-dress age to dress down, but be warned that conservative dress codes still rule the hiring day. Formal clothes show you consider the interview important enough to have taken pains to dress up.

      Due to over eagerness or nervousness, some candidates blurt out their response even before the question sinks in, thus giving half-baked answers. Listen carefully and organize your thoughts before answering. If you have done your homework, you will have ready answers for some of the standard questions thrown your way.

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      It is amazing how some candidates think they can win sympathy points from the interviewer by ranting against a previous employer. On the contrary, this will mark you as a potential troublemaker and raise serious doubts about the real reason you left your job. Concentrate on elaborating your own accomplishments – and squash any impulse to gripe.

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