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8 Steps That Will Get You Hired

There is a lot of material on the web about how a job seeker can fill his or her day with activities and make a full-time job out of looking for employment. That's all fine—unless it isn't working and the job seeker isn't any closer to getting a viable job that fits after putting in all that work.

Basic steps:

1. Create the finest, customized cover letter and résumé possible. It should be clearly tailored to the industry, company, and specific position.
2. Submit your materials through the online process. (If you are tempted to skip this step then consider reading this blog.)
3. Repeat this process for five to seven positions.
4. Watch carefully what you get back.
5. Analyze carefully. Make changes. Here are some tips.
    a. If you receive nothing—then there is something wrong with your materials and you are not likely to getting through the ATS.
        Solution: Change your cover letter and/or résumé. Something needs to come out or something needs to go in.
    b. If you get an immediate "standard" response (i.e. "Thank you for your application ...."). You probably got through the ATS.
    c. If you get something a day to a week later from "The Talent Acquisition Team" —better. A real person probably looked at your
    d. If you receive an email from a person: connect with them on LinkedIn and follow-up.
    e. If you get a screening call, or phone interview: listen carefully to their concerns as they vet you out. Check your cover letter and
        résumé to be sure you've responded to those concerns in future applications.
6. Change your cover letter and résumé based on what you learn.
7. Repeat: File five to seven more job applications.
8. Learn, Track Changes and Repeat.

Monitor how far your cover letter and résumé gets in the process. Keep making changes and carefully monitor what you've changed.The purpose of your cover letter and résumé is to get a phone call. Once you have succeeded, listen very carefully to any concerns they may have and make appropriate changes.

This is one way to mange the job seeker's learning process.


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Job Searching Tips & Guidelines / The Job Seeker’s Success Formu...
Last post by Doha - August 04, 2021, 12:32:47 PM
The Job Seeker's Success Formula

Success is a process
Athletes will likely agree with me that developing skill, building technique, taking care of their body and mind requires daily care. Proper routine becomes a critical factor in their success. Professional musicians are no different and each one can relate unique stories about the development of their technique as well as their musicianship. They develop individual regimens that become a trusted part of every day.

Just like athletes and musicians, job-seekers develop routines and processes. Some good, others...not so much. The list of activities include attending job seeker support groups, networking appointments, presentations at libraries, daily activity on LinkedIn, finding and applying for posted positions, reading and learning more about their professions, and possible classes and certifications. Did I mention cover letters and résumés? Thank you notes and interview preparation?

Did you make this common mistake?
Often, after being laid off, job seekers may panic and rush to put together a résumé and apply for any number of opportunities. However, today's job market is constantly changing. An industry has evolved to support the hiring process. To be successful in today's market, a job seeker must become an expert in the advancements in his or her industry to be credible. Next, he or she must understand the new hiring processes.

Why job seekers quit
The quality of the activity determines the quality of the result. So if the action was of high quality, then the result brings high value.
When the results are deemed poor by the job seeker, then that person is more likely to give up. They quit.
When an activity doesn't bring in any results or when the results only have a negative impact, then it's reasonable to stop that process.

Job seekers spend a lot of energy on the job search. They give it their very best and when they get calls for jobs that are a poor fit and don't bring even a consideration of a living wage, they give up. That's reasonable.

Visit for hundreds of job opportunities

Further, when a job seeker gets nothing back from all their effort—nothing; why should they continue that process. That's reasonable.

Lastly, when job seekers are treated poorly by the hiring community (this is my biggest "beef"!!!!), when they receive contracts that evaporate, interviews for positions that disappear or didn't exist to start with, promised calls that never happen— It's no wonder they give up. That's reasonable.

Finding a job is a marathon rather than a sprint.
Don't quit. Do this instead.

Job seekers might consider a different approach:
A. If the result was undesirable, then change the process that created it.
B. Realize that every response has valuable information IF the job seeker asks the right questions.

Job seeker's Success Formula:

You will get a job if:
A. You keep trying and...
B. You keep learning.

The Job seeker's Objection:
Some people tell me, "Marcia, right now I just want a job. I'm willing to settle for something less. I've been "dumping" down my resume. I don't care if I'm overqualified, I just need a job."

I hear this all the time and there are times when I encourage job seekers to get transitional jobs. Like Toni, it can be managed once the industry is moving again. That said, the two "hardest sell" for a job seeker is applying for a job that he or she is overqualified for. In this case, the potential employer will not consider the job seeker because they believe they will leave as soon as a better opportunity becomes available. They are a flight-risk.

Another "hard sell" is applying for a job with a lesser title in a larger company. With so much competition, it's very difficult to pull this off. It looks like the job seeker is willing to take a step down in his or her career.
Stick to the process and get hired quicker.


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Useful Social Network / Effectively Network Using Soci...
Last post by Doha - July 31, 2021, 07:24:17 PM
Effectively Network Using Social Media

Social media gives you the opportunity to discover, engage, and connect with new people all over the world. Even though most people are open to creating new connections and getting messages from people they do not know, there is a fine line between networking and "spamming." The biggest challenge is to make a clear connection without wasting the time of others. So how do you know if you are sending valuable information to a potential customer or just plain annoying them?

"The power of social media is it forces necessary change." – Erik Qualman

Social Media Etiquette

There are a number of effective ways that you can use social media to network with others without becoming an annoyance. Understanding more about social media etiquette will help to ensure you are sending out useful information to potential customers and business partners.

* You must first find the individual's preferred communication channel. This requires a great deal of research. First, check out their company's website to learn more about their preferred contact methods.

* It is important that when you do contact them that you say just enough and not too much. Do not send long e-mails or social media messages because you will just lose their attention. Instead of intriguing them you have simply wasted their time.

* Try not to expect a response from the person or company you have messaged. Avoid phrases such as "please respond" as it seems a bit desperate. Be casual but also keep a good level of professionalism during the message as well. Just because they do not respond does not mean that you didn't catch their attention.

* Say what you mean and be completely upfront about your goals. This will determine whether or not they are a good fit for your business.

Source: Knowledge Sharing for DIU Social Media Team
COVID-19 Resources / Eight (8) Steps to an incredib...
Last post by Doha - July 31, 2021, 06:51:57 PM
Eight Steps to an incredible candidate experience  ::)

By- Joe of Brazen Technologies

Eight  steps to creating an incredible candidate experience operation...

a. Audit your existing recruiting funnel by putting yourself in your candidates' shoes. Visit your LinkedIn page, your career site, and fill out an application. You're bound to find major bumps in the road. This is your low hanging fruit.

b. Make changes to the obvious gaps, leaks, or problems in your process. Move to step three because now the fun begins.

c. If you don't already, measure. Measure conversion rates from stage to stage, speed to hire, quality of candidates, and number of new hires that have been with the organization for more than year (retention matters, too!). Later, you'll come back to these these numbers and use them as a benchmark.

d. Conduct a candidate experience survey with past candidates. Ask them about their satisfaction with the process. Ask them to rate timeliness, your career site, your JDs, the follow up emails, etc. Make sure you survey candidates that were hired, not hired, as well as candidates that received an offer but didn't accept.

e. Conduct focus groups with candidates to add color and narrative to the results of the survey. Later, you'll use the language of candidates, the words that come out of their mouths, to help you build out a better process that resonates with the people you are trying to hire.

f. With data and insights in hand, it's time to return to the process that you built, tweaking and breaking and editing and reconfiguring where the candidates lead you. Their feedback is your currency. Use it to pay for the upgrades your process demands.

g. We circle back to the start. Well, step number three, to be exact. You've made your changes but the measurement never stops. Made a change to your interview follow email? How many more candidates responded? How many more opened the email? How many more came back to the next step in the process? The numbers tell you whether the changes are working.

And every so often, let's say once a quarter, you start back at step #1. Put yourself in your candidates' shoes and start the entire process again. Incremental, interactive, and incredible changes are in store for you and your candidates. Changes your candidates will love.

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COVID-19 Resources / How to Create a Great Candidat...
Last post by Doha - July 17, 2021, 01:59:08 PM
How to Create a Great Candidate Experience with Virtual Recruiting

Source: Cat DiStasio,

When competition for top talent is steep, as it currently is in many industries, candidate experience gets a lot of attention. That's because employers that deliver a great candidate experience are able to attract more and better candidates, move them more quickly through the recruiting process, and enjoy higher offer acceptance rates. It makes sense that employers who want to stand out from the competition should work to create a candidate experience that reflects their brand values and gives job seekers a taste of what it will be like to work for your organization. Virtual recruiting can help every step of the way.

But before we dive into the strategies and practices that will improve your candidate experience and strengthen your employer brand, let's take a step back and review the basics.

What is Candidate Experience?
Not surprisingly, candidate experience is the cumulative experience of a job seeker moving through your recruiting process. It begins with the first impression and includes every interaction a candidate might have with your organization, from social media posts and job listings to emails, virtual events, interviews, and even what they hear on the street. Every touchpoint is an opportunity to create positive feelings or leave a bad taste in their mouth. And because candidate experience is a reflection of your organizational culture, more than a procedural issue, it takes a lot of time and work to remedy poor candidate experience. At the end of the day, the quality of your candidate experience impacts whether a candidate will accept your offer of employment or go home and write negative reviews about your brand online.

How Virtual Recruiting Improves Candidate Experience
I'm hesitant to make a fast food reference when it comes to virtual recruiting, because there are a lot of important differences, but it's true that both fast food and virtual recruiting allow candidates to have it their way. Virtual recruiting makes it easy for candidates to decide how and when they want to interact with potential employers, especially when your virtual recruiting strategy involves on-demand content (such as videos on your website's career hub) that candidates can access whenever they choose.

Virtual hiring events also make the recruiting process easier for candidates, by reducing the time commitment, eliminating the time and expense of travel, and offering access to more employers. Virtual recruiting events give candidates the opportunity to speak to someone right away, which is much more attractive than the typical process of submitting their resume online and into what can seem like a black hole. Rather than leaving candidates wondering if anyone will even look at their resume, virtual hiring events help candidates feel seen and valued as individuals.

Top Tips for Your Virtual Recruiting Events
One of the key benefits of virtual recruiting events is their speed, which is tied to their convenience. Candidates can hop on at a time that works best for them, and connect with a recruiter or hiring manager quickly. Even when you have a queue, job seekers can take advantage of videos or recorded presentations while they wait for their turn to chat with a recruiter.

Here are a few ways to use your (and candidates') time wisely.

Prepare in advance. Make a list of frequently asked questions and prepared some canned responses that recruiters and hiring managers can copy and paste into chats with candidates or use as scripts for video/audio chats. This is a huge time saver.
Add videos and recorded presentations. Give candidates something meaningful to do if they have to wait. As I mentioned before, loading your virtual recruiting event with videos and presentations that help candidates learn about your organizational culture, benefits, community involvement, and other topics top talent are curious about.
Communicate clearly and consistently about next steps. Job seekers don't want to be left hanging at any stage of the recruiting process, so it's important to set expectations about timelines and then follow through, getting back to candidates with decisions and letting them know about their status.

How Following up Can Make or Break Your Reputation
A candidate can have a great experience at the top of your funnel and a riveting conversation with a recruiter, but if they never hear another word from your organization, you're in trouble. Even if you didn't think that person was a good fit for your current openings, you've still created a negative impression that could adversely affect your employer brand—or your corporate brand overall. Job seekers want the recruiting experience to be a complete transaction, from beginning to end, whether it ends with a job offer or a polite rejection. And employers owe candidates that basic level of respect and decency. It's just the right thing to do.

Asking for feedback about the recruiting process—from candidates you hire as well as those you didn't—helps you measure your candidate experience over time, so you can see whether your strategies are working and where there is still room for improvement. Giving feedback is important, too. If a candidate doesn't match up with your current openings but has other potential, let them know what steps they can take to present themselves as a better candidate in the future, and be sure to invite them to future virtual recruiting events so they know they are welcome to reapply.

Virtual Recruiting Makes it Easy to Improve Candidate Experience
Because virtual recruiting is about so much more than virtual hiring events, it offers endless opportunities to refine and improve the candidate experience. By referring to candidate feedback over time, you can identify trends and insights to help you create a great candidate experience that reflects your brand and organizational culture in a way that attracts top talent and helps you hire the best people for your available positions.
COVID-19 Resources / Why a Great Candidate Experien...
Last post by Doha - July 17, 2021, 01:49:15 PM
Why a Great Candidate Experience Helps Attract Top Talent

Source: Cat DiStasio,

Everyone knows candidate experience is important. Because of course it is. You want job seekers to have positive thoughts and feelings about their interactions with your organization, from the first whiff of a job posting or social media post to their experiences during your virtual recruiting events and interviews, right down to the final decision point. The thing is, giving candidates warm fuzzy feelings about your organization isn't the only reason to invest in candidate experience and it may not even be the top reason. Offering a great candidate experience also helps you attract, hire, and ultimately retain great talent, a perk that benefits your organization for years to come.

To create a great candidate experience, you first need to understand what kind of candidate experience you're currently providing. Asking candidates for feedback on the recruiting process is one way to find out. It's also smart to ask recent hires about their experiences, as well as employees who have been with you for a while. By gathering feedback from people who went through the recruiting process at different times, you can look for patterns and trends and determine whether your candidate experience is currently better, worse, or about the same as it was a year or two ago.

How to Improve Candidate Experience
Once you know where you are, you can begin to think about where to go next. You may not be able to transform your candidate experience overnight but taking small steps to improve your recruiting process can go a long way. For starters, put yourself in a job seeker's shoes and walk through the process. Where are the frustrations? Where are the moments of joy? Adjust your strategies to address the pain points and your candidate experience will improve. (And we'll dive deeper into what kinds of candidate experience strategies work best in future articles, so stay tuned.)

For now, let's get back to the initial question at hand:

Why does a great candidate experience help employers attract top talent?
Here are just some of the reasons.

Improves Acceptance Rates
When candidates have a great experience during the recruiting process, they may be more likely to accept a job offer. Conversely, a poor experience can negatively affect your acceptance rate. A recent report from CareerPlug found that 50% of respondents declined a job offer due to poor experience. This suggests many talented job seekers could be turned off by a poor candidate experience, making it more difficult for you to land your ideal candidates.

Decreases Time to Hire
Many Brazen customers report a decrease in time to hire after implementing strategies that improve candidate experience, such as virtual career fairs and video interviews, which make the recruiting process easier for candidates to access on their schedules and without the burden of travel. For example, our customer AdventHealth, a CandE award winner, said virtual recruiting helped them cut time to hire by over 10 days. Speeding up time to hire helps organizations land top talent by moving those candidates swiftly through the recruiting process and reducing the chance that they will be lured away by a competing offer.

Translates to Better Employee Experience
Candidate experience is a marker of your organizational culture and, chances are, your employees are enjoying a similarly positive experience. (If they aren't, this is an opportunity for growth.) Improving the candidate experience can, over time, improve the employee experience, as fresh talent comes in with their positive feelings and hopeful outlook. New hires who just had a great candidate experience come into their new roles full of excitement and optimism, which leads to higher employee engagement and can be contagious (in a good way).

Improves Quality of Hires
A great candidate experience helps you attract top talent, and it also helps you make better hires. The equation is simple: when the top of your recruiting funnel has more qualified candidates coming in and a great candidate experience keeps them engaged in the recruiting process, you can improve the quality of your shortlist and extend offers to candidates who are truly the best fit for the roles you have available. A great candidate experience really impacts the top of the funnel when it comes to referrals, typically a great source of top talent. Poor candidate experience can lead to reduction in referrals, according to RallyFwd attendees, so working to improve candidate experience can protect that valuable sourcing channel.

Strengthens Employer Brand
Employer branding affects nearly every aspect of recruiting, as well as other areas of business, so it's important to understand its relationship with candidate experience. Nearly one quarter (24%) of candidates said they've left a negative review online after having a negative experience with the recruiting process and 44% of candidates said they've left a positive review online after having a positive experience, according to CareerPlug research.

A Great Candidate Experience Sets You Apart from the Crowd
In today's virtual world, organizations offering a great candidate experience really stand out. Understanding how candidate experience affects the quality of your talent pipeline and the outcome of your hiring decisions is the key to building a foundation for improving your candidate experience. And, for some organizations, drawing these connections may be essential to getting necessary support from executive leadership as you work to develop and implement strategies to improve your candidate experience over time.
COVID-19 Resources / Event Ideas to Prepare Your St...
Last post by Doha - July 17, 2021, 01:30:53 PM
Event Ideas to Prepare Your Students for Their First Virtual Job Fair

Source: Valery Caputi Lopez,

Students don't always know what to expect from a virtual career fair. They may have more questions than answers regarding how to successfully navigate the process, and it's up to career services teams at their respective campuses to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities ahead so they have the best candidate experience possible.

Whether students are looking for a summer internship or an entry-level job, virtual career fairs are more important than ever to students, able to open doors that may have otherwise remained closed. Not only do these events grant students access to employers who are eager and willing to hire, but they also allow them to get a good look at the technology they'll likely be using for many remote interviews and hiring events as they enter the workforce post-degree. Since virtual hiring events are here to stay, students need to become familiar with and confident in the skills and tools they'll use to connect with employers long term in order to improve the chances of a positive —and potentially life changing— result.

That's where you as a career services professional come in. Keep excitement high and nervousness low by equipping students with what they need to know before, during, and after a virtual job fair with this list of preparatory event ideas.

Host Virtual Career Fair Prep Sessions
Students already have a lot of things to think about during a job interview, so the technology they use to attend it shouldn't be a source of stress. To eliminate any jitters and make sure everyone knows what to expect, offer virtual career fair prep sessions so students can learn the basics of your virtual event platform, get a high-level introduction how to get the most out of a virtual career fair, make sure students understand what they need to prepare for, and answer any questions they may have before the main event. You can also share links to user videos for students who just want a quick tour! The more familiar students are prepared ahead of time, the more confident they'll be on the day of the virtual job fair, which is a win for everyone. (You could even create and share a career fair prep checklist, with some of the points below!)

Offer Virtual Resume Review Sessions
Crafting a winning resume is the first step towards making a good impression at a job fair. In fact, most virtual job fair platforms will require or request a digital resume be uploaded as a part of the application. So make sure students know they need to put some thought into their resumes well ahead of the event itself.

Or better yet, ensure that they do by planning a virtual resume review session! Before the event, equip students with everything from the basics of resume writing to examples of winning resumes, then encourage them to come to the session with a first draft ready to be reviewed. To avoid having long wait times, plan to have enough reviewers in attendance based on the number of students that sign up. If more students than reviewers RSVP, consider implementing staggered timed slots or using the scheduled chat features on your virtual event platform so every student gets the same amount of consideration and attention. You can also provide volunteers with lists and templates on how to give constructive feedback for even more cohesive results.

Plan an Elevator-Pitch Pitch-Off
Elevator pitches aren't just for startups—they're an indispensable tool for jobseekers as well. Since career fair interactions are often so brief, it's important to equip students with a polished elevator pitch before a virtual hiring event so they'll know exactly how to quickly and easily share their value with a number of potential employers.

Career services staff can host formal and informal elevator pitch events with the goal of getting attending students to practice and present their pitches in front of a live audience. You can even bump up attendance by offering prizes for the best pitches, or include a feedback round that acknowledges the students who have improved their elevator pitches the most through the course of the event.

Hold Mock Video Interviews
Since 2020, 86% of companies are conducting job interviews via video, so students need to be practicing their video interviewing skills, because they will likely put them to the test - either during or after a virtual career fair! For example, at Brazen virtual career fairs, students may have the opportunity to speak directly with a recruiter or hiring manager via our optional video chat. So let students know they may be using video chat during these events so they can be camera-ready when it most counts. From testing their webcams and internet connections to making sure they have a clean and organized background behind them, there are many things students can do during these mock video sessions to make sure they look professional and picture-perfect on the day of their actual interview.

But it doesn't end at just having a good setup! Body language and conversation skills are also important. Encourage students to maintain eye contact and practice their elevator pitches with their mock interviewers. Ask faculty, career services personnel, and volunteers to attend these sessions and equip them with the information they'll need to fulfill their mock recruiting roles (such as commonly asked questions). Thanks to mock video interviews, students can get useful insights on their on-camera performance and gain proficiency within the virtual event environment, all in one go.
Job Sectors After Corona Pandemic / COVID-19 Pandemic | IATA Avi...
Last post by Doha - July 17, 2021, 12:54:38 PM
COVID-19 Pandemic |  IATA Aviation Workforce Skills & Training Report

Greetings from IATA !!

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in severe budget cuts for training across almost every business in the aviation sector. As the industry restarts, organizations are looking to ensure that employees are trained on the fundamental technical and operational skills, but also the soft skills needed to adapt to new situations and deliver a winning customer experience.

Assessing training needs, prioritizing initiatives, and optimizing budgets are even more crucially important in the face of much remaining uncertainty. Taking inspiration from industry best practices is a sure-fire way to build your strategy.

Some key findings the report brings to light:

• 50% of L&D decision-makers consider an assessment of their organizations' skills and competence requirements as of high importance to business continuity.
• 60% of organizations would value a training needs analysis from an external provider.
• 25% of HR decision-makers believe focusing on safety is the best approach to enable their organization to cope with the impact of the pandemic.
• 85% of organizations indicate that online learning, including virtual classrooms, will play an important role in recovery plans.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released research on the training requirements for the aviation workforce as the industry starts to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. According to a global survey of some 800 human resources (HR) leaders in the aviation industry responsible for learning and development, right-skilled existing workers, and ensuring that new hires from outside aviation can quickly acquire the necessary skills will be key to successfully building the post-pandemic workforce.

Discover the industry's priorities and strategies to ensure the skills for a successful recovery. Enclosed is the copy of the report "Workforce skills and training to fuel the revitalization of the aviation industry – the HR decision-makers view."

As aviation rebuilds, topics such as sustainability and digitization will gain in importance. IATA is already working with several academic partners to design courses on sustainability to attract new talent and help shape the future of aviation.

About IATA Training

We train more than 100,000 professionals and students each year from all areas of the world. Our 350+courses and 40+diplomas are developed around IATA's areas of expertise and commitment to promoting industry standards worldwide. Our training helps businesses operate safely, efficiently, and sustainably, building career opportunities for the people they employ.

Our extensive training portfolio includes topics for airlines, airports, cargo operators, governments, ground service providers, travel agents, young professionals, and more.


Source: Source: Select Circulation.
Industry and Training  Partners,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal & Sri Lanka, IATA
bY- Lokesh Matta
Regional Training Business Development Manager - South Asia

পরিবর্তিত সময়ের জন্য কর্মীরা কীভাবে নিজেকে প্রস্তুত করবেন?

Source: Skill Jobs Blog Post

প্রতি বছর অল্পবয়সী কিছু নবীন কর্মী কর্মজগতে প্রবেশ করেন। তারা অনেক বছর ধরে কাজ করেন এবং একই ধরনের কাজ করতে করতে একটি পুরনো প্রজন্মের মধ্যে প্রবেশ করেন। প্রতিযোগিতামূলক এই বাজারে কীভাবে টিকে থাকা যায়, একজন ব্যবস্থাপক সবসময় সেই পরিকল্পনা করে থাকেন। এজন্য প্রয়োজন হয় নিত্য নতুন উদ্ধাবনী প্রতিভা এবং কঠোর পরিশ্রম। অপেক্ষাকৃত তরুণ প্রজন্মের মধ্যে এসব গুণাবলী সহজেই পাওয়া যায়। তারা পরিবর্তিত সময়ের সঙ্গে নিজেকে খাপ খাওয়াতে পারে, কঠোর পরিশ্রম করতে পারে, নিজের প্রতিভাবে কাজে লাগিয়ে নিত্য নতুন কৌশল উদ্ভাবন করতে পারে।
এই সময়ের সবচেয়ে নবীন কর্মক্ষম প্রজন্মকে বলা হচ্ছে 'জেনারেশন জেড'। এরা সময়কে বুঝতে পারে এবং সময়ের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে নিজেকে বদলে ফেলতে পারে। ভবিষ্যৎ পৃথিবীর জন্য নিজেদেরকে প্রস্তুত করতে পারে। বিভিন্ন দিক থেকেই এরা আগের প্রজন্মের চেয়ে অনেক বেশি চৌকশ। এদের সবচেয়ে বড় গুণ হচ্ছে, নিয়োগকর্তা কী প্রত্যাশা করে তা এরা সহজেই বুঝতে পারে।
এই 'জেনারেশন জেড'রাই সারা পৃথিবীর কর্মজগতে নতুন ঢেউ সৃষ্টি করবে। শুধু তাই নয়, এরাই হবে কর্মক্ষেত্রের সবচেয়ে বড় প্রজন্ম, যারা বুঝতে পারবে যে তারা কী করতে চায় এবং কী করা প্রয়োজন।

জেনারেশন জেড কারা এবং কী রকম
পিউ রিসার্চ বলছে, ১৯৯৬ সালের পরে যাদের জন্ম তারাই জেনারেশন জেডের সদস্য। এরাই সহ¯্রাব্দের পূর্বসূরী। এই মুহূর্তে এরা যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের মোট জনসংখ্যার ২০ শতাংশ দখল করে আছে। এরা যে সময়ে বেড়ে উঠেছে সেই সময়টা আগের সময়ের চেয়ে একেবারেই ভিন্ন। এই প্রজন্ম তাদের আগের প্রজন্মকে মহামন্দার ভেতর দিয়ে যেতে দেখেছে এবং অতিসম্প্রতি কোভিড-১৯ মহামারির মধ্যে পা রাখতে দেখেছে। বলার অপেক্ষা রাখে না, এই বৈশ্বিক মহামারিটি লাখ লাখ মানুষের জীবন কেড়ে নিচ্ছে। বৈচিত্রের দিক থেকেও জেড জেনারেশন আগের প্রজন্ম থেকে অনেক বেশি বৈচিত্রপূর্ণ এবং শিক্ষার দিক থেকেও এগিয়ে। এদের সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপর্ণ বৈশিষ্ট্য হচ্ছে, এরা অতিমাত্রায় প্রযুক্তিবান্ধব। এদের জন্ম ও বেড়ে ওঠা ইন্টারনেট প্রযুক্তির ভেতরেই বলা যায়।
জেড জেনারেশনের কত শতাংশ কর্মজগতে রয়েছে
২০৩০ সালের মধ্যে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের কর্মক্ষেত্রের ৩০ শতাংশ দখল করে ফেলবে জেড জেনারেশন। আগের প্রজন্মের সঙ্গে যদি তুলনা করেন তাহলে এই মুহূর্তে জেড জেনারেশনের কর্মীরা খুব সামান্যই কাজ করছে। পিউ রিসার্চ বলছে, ২০১৮ সালে জেড জেনারেশনের ১৮ শতাংশ কর্মক্ষেত্রে ছিল যাদের বয়স ছিল ১৫ থেকে ১৭ বছরের মধ্যে।

জেড জেনারেশন কর্মক্ষেত্রে কী বার্তা দিচ্ছে?
অন্যান্য তরুণ প্রজন্মের মতোই জেড জেনারেশনের কর্মীরাও কর্মক্ষেত্রে নতুন নতুন ধারনা নিয়ে আসে। যেহেতু তারা প্রযুক্তির সন্তান, তাই তাদের ধারনার সঙ্গে স্বাভাবিকভাবেই চলে আসে প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহার। প্রযুক্তির উপর ভর করেই তারা নতুন নতুন সৃজনশীল কৌশল উদ্ভাবন করেন। সুতরাং নতুন প্রযুক্তি কোম্পানির জন্য আপনি অবশ্যই তাদেরকে নিয়োগ দিতে পারেন।

বিভিন্ন ধরনের চাকুরীর তথ্য পেতে ভিজিট করুন

তারা প্রচলিত কর্মপদ্ধতি যেমন বেতন-ভাতা তৈরি, স্বাস্থ্যবীমার লভ্যাংশ প্রদান ইত্যাদি কাজেও বেশ পারদর্শী। এদের ৩৮ শতাংশ মনে করে কাজের ভারসাম্য রক্ষা করা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। অপরদিকে ৫৮ শতাংশ মনে করে অর্থের প্রয়োজনে রাতে এবং ছুটির দিনেও কাজ করা যেতে পারে।
কনকর্ডিয়া ইউনিভার্সিটির এক জরিপে দেখা যায়, জেড জেনারেশনের ৬৫ শতাংশ বলেছে, তাদের কাছে বেতন খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। আর ৭০ শতাংশ বলেছে, একমাত্র বেতনের কারণেই তারা চাকরি করে। এছাড়া ৭০ শতাংশ বলেছে, স্বাস্থ্যবীমা না থাকলে সেখানে তারা চাকরি করবে না।

কর্মক্ষেত্রে জেড জেনারেশনের মতো আর কী আছে
কর্মক্ষেত্রে জেড জেনারেশনের একমাত্র প্রতিদ¦ন্দ্বী হচ্ছে 'মেধা'। তারা সহকর্মীদের সঙ্গে মুখোমুখি ভাববিনিময় করতে পছন্দ করে। খোলামেলা অফিস পছন্দ করে। রুদ্ধদ্বার বৈঠকের চেয়ে স্বাভাবিক আলাপ আলোচনা এবং মিটিং করতে পছন্দ করে। এরা অফিসের মধ্যে খুব বেশি কেতাদুরস্ত থাকতে পছন্দ করে না।  ..................To read more please click the following link:

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Source: Skill Jobs Blog Post


Welcome to Career Article Zone ( and the 'navigator' of Career Development Center (CDC), Daffodil International University, your handy resource in starting your career.

Where do I start? How do I write a good resume? How do I excel in interviews? How does the web approach work? These are some of the many questions you probably would ask yourself when looking for a job and excel your career. As you go through the INTERVIEW GUIDE, you will find comfort in knowing exactly what to do with yourself.


Career is the most used word in the world nowadays. But the question is, are we ready to get hired for our dream job? Are we really serious about our career? Some people don't even have the idea of the difference between job and career. The concept of a job is micro where the term career has the vast meaning and implications. Most of our fresh graduates are too reluctant even thinking about careers. It seems they damn care about their future as well as their career while they are in their student period. Their thought is traditional and very typical. One thing they should know is the current hyper competitive corporate world; technology has erased the boundary of competition. No competition is relying among the competitors at home, its become global now. If we are sleeping like a rabbit, some tortoise may win the game. Shaping a career is not a gambling; thus, you simply cannot focus only on your luck. Your hard work does this. If you are determined to make NAME, FAME AND GAME, then take the game as a challenge, spread up your fame followed by your performance and hold your name on top. We become habitat by involvement not by commitment, while commitment gear you up towards your destination not your involvement. There is no shortcut in your life to be a successful one. You should have some commitment which might create a platform for your success. Remember, try to be a leader not be a follower. If that's not possible then be a good follower rather than ordinary one.  It said well "Go big, or go home."  We might think about this quite a bit as it seemed so brash and arrogant. Each person has the opportunity to define "big" for him or herself. If we are to live our dreams and visions about how we want our lives to be, how we want to be remembered, what our contribution to our daily world could be, it IS true. Go big or go home!

Have a vision. Have a master plan for your entire life. What would you like to be doing, experiencing, being or having in your life? What are the things that are most important, significant and valuable to you? If you have no proper answers for them; your career and future may be in trouble. Think big! Think limitlessly. Think "out of the box." People are often limited by their minds, reluctant to stretch. Remember what Napoleon Hill said: "if you can conceive it, and believe it, you can achieve it!" If you find yourself surrounded by the people who are "thinking little," it might be difficult to find support and acceptance for your big plans. You may have to include some new associates who want to play "big," too! You have probably heard that, if you want to run with the big dogs, you have to get off the porch! Jump off that porch and get running!

বিভিন্ন ধরনের চাকুরীর তথ্য পেতে ভিজিট করুন

We need to pay attention prior to draw our career path. You need to consider what you would like to right now and what later on. Both short term and long term goals are important for each individual life. The significant difference is that short-term goals lead directly to long term goals that fit perfectly into the master plan and these keep you in charge! Don't lock yourself in one semantic plan or dimension; consider your preference, interests during drawing your career blueprint. Keep always an alternative plan; keep plan B all the time to make your career journey smoothly. Make sure your master plan should be a plan for your joy and passion, not for your duty and obligation. If you don't admire your own profession, nobody will hail you and you might be considered as an educated slave. Love your job whatever it is then the job will love you too. Thus, you will find the way to your destination.

Choose/Select the right Major according to your Career Path

In most of the cases people become confused while they are going to select their major or area or field where they want to see themselves in future. At this stage a majority of students are not motivated by their own but by some others as parents' choice, elders' decisions or what their supervisor suggests. Even they don't think for a while it is your life, not others. You own your life. How come some others will decide what you would be in future? There are some steps that you need to consider while you are in the process of drawing a Career Roadmap. The first step in the Career Roadmap is to Know Yourself. It is vital to identify your INTERESTS, VALUES, SKILLS, PERSONALITY and PREFERENCES in order to make your career well and effective. We should consider the below things while we are going to design our career roadmap and these are:

Learning about your interests will help you identify opportunities to pursue and the topics you are most naturally drawn to, making school and work more motivating and enjoyable.

Values are the things that motivate us and move us toward certain decisions, behaviors and goals. Values greatly influence the career decision making process, job satisfaction and, ultimately, life satisfaction.

Skills are the things that you are good at and have the ability to do well. Assessing your skills allows you to determine which ones you want to acquire or further develop, the specific ways to accomplish those goals, and how your skills match with potential careers.

Personality Preferences & Interpersonal Needs.......To read more please click the following link:

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