7 Reasons Why Prospects AREN?T Calling you Back
by InsideView
shutterstock_110808797Turning prospects into customers may seem difficult, but if with the right tools you can reach and contact your prospects effectively and turn them into customers. These seven tips and tricks will help you convert your prospects from disinterested to invested.
1. You Sound Like a Machine
In a B2B sales environment, you are likely just one of many businesses contacting a prospect. After hearing from so many different companies, and each of them saying a variation of the same thing, your prospect may just simply tune you out and delete your voice message or email without absorbing a word that you said. To earn your prospects' attention, you must spark their curiosity. Instead of leaving a message that introduces yourself and your company, try getting creative. For example, ask a question that will get your prospect curious.
2. You Are Doing All the Talking
Your prospects may have questions or want to discuss their company with you. But, if you are doing all the talking, your prospects may feel that their concerns aren't being heard and will not be met if they do business with your company. Make sure to leave occasional pauses when you talk to allow your prospects a chance to chime in and ask a few questions here and there to encourage a two-sided conversation.
3. You're Calling at the Wrong Time
You have to remember that your prospects are people and always have other things going on in their lives. Maybe they are busy with work or maybe they have a personal problem at home. Whatever the reason, if your prospect is sidetracked or busy, it is better to carry on the conversation at another time. Do you pre-call homework before getting on the phone with a prospect so you know how likely they are to buy before you try to reach them.
4. They Need More Time
Your prospect may be interested but may want more time to consider your offer. Many people do not like to make a decision on the spot and if pressured to do so, will end up saying "no." In this situation, you need to know up front how much budget is available to your prospect. If you have a good idea about the corporate need for your products and the priority level of your deal, you can figure out whether a prospect is stalling or simply not in a position of power to make a decision.
5. You Are Too Prepared
Some people like sales brochures, reports and presentations; others do not. When presenting to prospects, an overly detailed presentation of your sales materials will put your prospect to sleep. How can you get a prospect to buy a product that bores them to death? During a phone or in-person presentation, make sure you pause to ask questions and keep your prospects attention every few minutes. This is especially tricky over the phone since nonverbal cues are hard to pick up through a telephone line, but regular questions that go beyond, "are you with me," and focus on specific relation between the prospect and the topic of conversation can help you keep their attention.
6. You Aren't Taking No for an Answer
Let's face it: you can't win them all. Refusing to take "no" for an answer is just viewed as obnoxious behavior. Learn to take a "no" gracefully and leave on good terms. Simply say, "if you have any other questions, feel free to call me." Your prospects may end up calling you back with a change of heart when their needs change once they see how easy you are to get along with.
7. They Simply Aren't Interested
Your prospects may not call you back because they may not be interested in what you have to offer. If you aren't getting a call back, reevaluate your prospects' needs and try a different approach. You also need to know when to call it quits on a prospect. Proper research through sales intelligence should help you qualify prospects so that you don't waste time selling to the wrong prospects, but you also just need to know when to move on. Persistence doesn't always win the deal.