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Title: How Recruiting Automation Improves the Candidate Experience
Post by: hasan on June 17, 2023, 04:10:04 PM

How Recruiting Automation Improves the Candidate Experience

The world is powered by the experience economy, and it's time to take that to heart when it comes to recruiting.

And when it comes to your hiring process, you should never forget that the candidate's experience is just as important as the candidate itself.

Companies are increasingly adopting recruiting automation ( tools to help streamline their hiring, but did you know that candidate experience is often overlooked?

How candidate experience and recruitment automation are connected
Think about it: when you have a candidate whose experience was so bad they would never recommend your company, they're going to tell everyone they know how awful their experience was.

And if they don't say anything? They'll probably still have that negative impression in their mind when they see other job opportunities come up.

The consequences of this are drastic: not only does it make candidates feel like they're being treated like numbers on a spreadsheet rather than human beings with their own stories to tell, but it also means you're missing out on some of the best candidates out there.

In fact, your candidate experience is so important that it can be one of your most important key performance indicators (KPIs): the Candidate Net Promoter Score (NPS). NPS is a measure of how likely candidates are to recommend your company to others based on their perceptions about how well you treat them during the hiring process. It's a critical way to understand how well your company is doing at attracting and retaining talent.

Fortunately, there are tools that help automate recruitment processes and improve the candidate experience by saving time and money on manual workflows, automating repetitive tasks, and creating custom workflows based on different roles in your organization.

But first, what is recruiting automation?
The term recruiting automation sounds self-explanatory. However, anyone that has ever managed a hiring process knows how manual and difficult recruiting can be.
Recruiting automation refers to using software to automate and streamline your recruiting processes. The goal of using this software is to reduce manual tasks that can be done more efficiently by technology, free up recruiters' time, and empower them with data that facilitates well-informed hiring decisions.

What is candidate experience?
The candidate experience is more than just a certain part of the recruiting process. It's the overall experience that candidates have with your company, from initial outreach to the final hiring decision. Due to this, it's important for companies to invest in their candidate experience.

The candidate experience isn't just about keeping a job listing active and posting open roles on social media. It's about making sure candidates see the value in applying for your open positions and understand what it would be like to work at your company. A positive candidate experience can increase conversion rates on job postings.

A good candidate experience is great for business
Hiring the right people can benefit your company in a number of ways. The right candidate can bring an influx of new ideas to your team and help you navigate changes in your industry.

Additionally, if you're looking to save money in the long term by having employees who stick around for longer, a good candidate experience is essential for creating a company culture that will keep employees satisfied and engaged.

In order to improve your bottom line, you need to put forward candidate experience best practices and think about how to attract top talent, plan to prepare them for the job, and provide support during their first few weeks on the job.

Every touchpoint in your process has an impact on your candidate experience, from the ease of applying online to how quickly you respond to inquiries. Hence, a positive and personalized experience throughout the hiring process is critical to a company's success.

Why the candidate experience matters
The candidate experience in recruitment is critical to your business. It gives candidates a glimpse into your company culture, sets expectations, and can either make or break the deal.

A poor candidate experience could deter people from applying for open positions and can even lead them away from working with your company altogether. A bad interview process or impersonal communication can turn off applicants and make them think twice about working at an organization. A positive candidate experience will help you attract top talent who will be excited to work at your company and put their best foot forward during interviews and other interactions while applying.
Recruiting automation software gives you control over how you interact with candidates throughout their recruitment journey, which means you can ensure each and every candidate has a positive experience with your company. Here are some ways recruiting automation software can help improve your candidate experience and enhance your employer value proposition (EVP).

Smart ways to improve candidate experience with recruiting automation
Creating a positive candidate experience doesn't have to be difficult. Here are some smart ways to improve the candidate experience using recruiting automation.

Job posting
The first step in the recruiting process is posting jobs. With recruiting automation, you can post jobs on multiple platforms simultaneously and reach more candidates with less time and effort. Plus, it's easy to automate notifications to candidates about opportunities that match their skills and preferences.

Resume screening
Resume screening is a critical part of the hiring process, but it can be time-consuming if done manually by HR or recruiters. More than half of recruiters (52%) report that screening candidates is the most difficult part of recruiting.

With recruiting automation, resumes are automatically screened by algorithms, and data-rich summaries are sent to the human team for review. This helps ensure quality and bias-free hiring while also saving time and money.

Candidate nurturing
With recruiting automation, you can create automated messages that will be sent out to candidates based on their response to an initial email or phone call. The message could include what the next step in the process is and provide them with information about your company and culture.

Automated candidate nurturing tools will keep track of all candidates who applied for your open positions and notify them about new openings as soon as they become available. This helps ensure that they don't forget about applying for jobs at your company.

Why should you leverage recruiting automation?
Enough about candidate experience. Let's come back to recruitment automation and why you should use it to hire faster and better.

Whether you're looking to fill one position or many, automation can deliver a stellar candidate experience and help you get the right people on board faster with less effort.

Recruiting automation tools are designed to help companies manage their recruiting processes more efficiently and effectively. These tools automate repetitive tasks and improve communication between different departments involved in the hiring process, so you can onboard the best talent without any gaps in communication.

Bias-free hiring
Many companies struggle with unconscious bias when hiring new employees because they lack objective data. Recruiting software gives companies access to reports and data about how a candidate, regardless of race or gender, will perform across various roles so they can make better, more informed decisions about who to hire for open positions.

It facilitates a more standardized process for reviewing resumes and conducting interviews. You can remove some sources of bias from the hiring process entirely, which has been shown to improve both diversity in hiring and employee retention rates.

With automated systems in place, there's no need for human error when screening applicants, so everyone has an equal shot at being seen by recruiters.

Assess candidate skills effectively
Recruiting automation helps you effectively assess and evaluate candidate skills. The tool gathers information from resumes, cover letters, and candidates' answers to chatbots, then uses algorithms to determine each candidate's skill level in each required skill set. This saves time and helps you make more data-driven decisions.

It enables you to review all the candidates who have applied for a job, and then narrow down this list to those who are most suitable for your company. You can even filter out those who don't meet certain criteria, such as qualifications or experience levels, and store them in a candidate repository for future needs.

In addition to this, it also allows you to check out how well they would fit into your company culture with tools that are designed to gauge their personality traits, work styles, and preferences – all of which will help you determine if they will be a good fit for your team.

Reduced time-to-hire
One of the biggest benefits of using recruiting automation software is that it saves you time by automating tedious tasks such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, sending reminders, managing candidates' progress, and engaging with them through the hiring process.

In fact, it's been found that recruiters spend a significant amount of their time screening candidates instead of focusing on other tasks that will ultimately bring them better results.

With automation tools in place, you can identify top talent quickly and hire them faster than ever.

Reduced cost-per-hire
With recruiting automation, you can use AI-based screening tools that help eliminate unqualified candidates early in the process. This helps reduce your cost per hire by saving significant amounts of time and money spent on recruitment advertising and other expenses like office space rental costs and utilities.
