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Career Counseling, Self Development, Skill Enhancer => Career Growth & Self Development => Leadership Excellence through Team Building => Topic started by: grace.cdc on March 28, 2020, 08:12:35 PM

Title: Team-Building Exercises for Salespeople
Post by: grace.cdc on March 28, 2020, 08:12:35 PM

Why Are Team-Building Exercises Important?
Incorporating good team-building exercises into your business can help you stay ahead of the competition, something that is more important than ever in today's harsh economic climate.
The most effective and efficient teams are those who know what they are supposed to do and when they are supposed to do it, how much leeway they have to push the boundaries, and the consequences of overstepping the mark.
Team-building activities provide a safe environment to in which to identify areas that can be improved and reinforce the consequences of getting things wrong.
Though there are loads of great activities out there, my two favorites are the question and question game and picture perfect. Keep scrolling for directions on how to play, desired outcomes for each exercise, and a discussion of the importance of good communication in sales and how these activities will help develop it.

My Two Favorite Team-Building Activities
People learn more when they're enjoying themselves, so try to make your activities as fun as possible.
Communication exercises need to be built around listening, collecting, or passing on information and being observant. Often, the best exercises are the ones you design yourself or adapt to your own circumstances.

Here are two ideas to get you started.

Team Building Improves Communication
A good sales team needs to be able to convince their customer that they need what is being sold to them. A really good sales team is able to do that without the customer realising that they've just been part of a sales job. An excellent sales team will not only be able to do the above but will also ensure that the customer returns to them when they next need the product or service and recommends them to their friends and colleagues.

Unfortunately, not only do many sales teams fail to meet the standard required to be good (let alone excellent), they excel at being bad with in-your-face, pushy, or ill-thought-out arguments.

Take, for example, the poor, unfortunate salesperson who phoned me not long ago to ask why I hadn't taken out the repair cover guarantee for some product I'd bought. I replied (quite reasonably, I thought) that I hadn't taken out the cover as I didn't expect the product to break down—unless he knew something I didn't. There were a few moments of silence on his end of the line (I don't think they'd covered faith in the product in the telephone script), then he said goodbye and hung up.

The problem with that scenario was that he asked me a question that just begged for a negative answer, whereas starting with 'Are you enjoying the product and would you like to protect against the unlikely event of...' etc. would have gotten a different response.

Sales is all about communication—communication with customers, communication with the rest of the sales team, communication with support staff—communication, communication, communication. If things aren't being done right, customers are not buying (assuming your product or service is not at fault), and goods are not being delivered as stated, you guessed it—the problem is likely poor communication.

So how do you fix it? You integrate sales team-building activities and exercises into your company calendar on a regular basis.

Further Ideas and Information
In general, employees produce their best work when they are happy with their working environment. This includes both the physical environment (e.g. there are always enough coffee cups in the canteen) and the emotional environment (i.e. company culture and coworkers). In addition to helping your employees work more effectively, activities like the two above can also foster a healthy emotional environment in the workplace.

Hopefully, this has given you a starting point for your team-building plan. Plenty of other ideas can be found online or by perusing some of the many books on the subject. It's always good to get a wide range of ideas and suggestions before you start so you can put together a program that is well-suited to your team.

Now that you've gotten started, go forth and build!
