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Business World & Useful Network => Business Discipline => Marketing => Topic started by: M.M. Hasan Parvez on September 11, 2012, 04:19:48 PM

Title: Selling the Need for Safety and Comfort in the Bedroom.
Post by: M.M. Hasan Parvez on September 11, 2012, 04:19:48 PM
Comfort, relaxation, and rest ? these are a few reasons people need their bedrooms. Can you really relax when you enter a room with violently dueling colors and mismatched furniture? For the individual to be truly able to rest, the atmosphere in the room plays a big role. These are facts that any furniture or interior decorating business, whether dealing with various living spaces, not necessarily the bedroom, can use to their advantage.

The bedroom is that one location, aside from work places, that people spend the most time in. And more than any other place, it?s the one where the majority people are most vulnerable and the place where they need to feel the most secure. The bedroom, for many people, is a place of intimacy. It?s no wonder many people hide the things that are important to them in their bedrooms; under their mattresses, for example, or at the back of their closets.

The need to seek out safe places to sleep is an instinct that has been passed down through the centuries. People are entirely vulnerable when they sleep, the senses dulled and the reflexes slowed. In that state, it?s no suprise people want to feel safe. Companies offer things like the softness of the pillows, the size of the bed, and the warmth of the bedding to further enhance this feeling of safety.

The individual?s need for a place where they can feel entirely secure is a need that is entirely understandable. And of course more than a few businesses, from developers of air conditioning devices to those that make luxury dressing tables, have made use of it to sell their own products or further their own advertising campaigns.

Different kinds of furniture or bedroom design feel comfortable and secure for different types of people. There are those who are only able to sleep in light, airy areas and so design their bedrooms with big windows and delicate furniture, then there are their opposites who want to put heavy drapes over their windows and prefer big, solid pieces of bedroom furniture. There are those that want their windows open at night and those who are more comfortable in enclosed spaces. There are people who want their bedrooms to be big and elaborate and others who just need a space to crash and sleep.

When people enter their rooms, they want to feel as they have left the stresses of the day and the pressures of their work behind. Interior decorators are probably the most cognizant of this need, as they deal with it frequently. The use of different colors and paint on the walls can help convey the atmosphere that the client wants, as is the use of different materials in various bedroom furnishing.

Wood, for example, can offer a homey and natural feel to a room. It makes the room warmer, both in perception and actual temperature. Its the perfect choice for people who want the more solid atmosphere that natural wood furniture can bring. The drawbacks to wood is that it is less flexible than some other materials and if the individual is looking for top quality furnishings, it can be expensive.

On the other hand, many people these days prefer synthetics in their furniture, tables made of glass and steel, wrought iron beds, and such. These are the perfect choices for the individual who wants a lighter atmosphere in the bedroom. Many modern furniture design tend toward efficiency and making spaces seem larger than they are, so they are perfect for smaller bedrooms.

Knowing these things can enhance a marketing campaign for different kinds of businesses or provide an advantage to salespeople in various professions, from interior decorating and architecture firms to furniture companies.