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Job Market Trend and Required Skills => Digital Marketing => Skill & Certification Focused Exclusive Job Openings => Basics of SEO => Topic started by: Sirazam Manira on September 26, 2018, 07:38:41 PM

Title: Basics of SEO
Post by: Sirazam Manira on September 26, 2018, 07:38:41 PM
Basics of SEO :Search Engine Optimization Made Easy:
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of publishing and marketing information that ranks well in search engines like Google, Yahoo! Search, and Microsoft Bing. If you run into any new jargon while reading this article, consider looking up their definitions using the Search Engine Marketing Glossary.
By default, many search engines show only 10 results per page.  Most searchers tend to click on the top few results. If you rank at the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), business is good, but if you are on the second or third page you might only get 1% of the search traffic that the top ranked site gets.
The two most powerful aspects of search engine marketing are:
   users type what they want to find into search boxes, making search engines the most precisely targeted marketing medium in the history of the world
   once you gain traction in the search results the incremental costs of gaining additional exposure are negligible when compared with the potential rewards, allowing individuals and small businesses to compete with (and perhaps eventually become) large corporations