When you're off work, you might not be thinking about building your career, but the activities you pursue in your free time can help you get ahead professionally, as well. I'm lucky in that I have a lot of crossover between "work" and "fun" in my life. I couldn't tell you which is which most days. I've met tons of awesome people through community service who I've wound up working with. I consider a lot of the people I work with real friends, and we also engage in leisure activities together and I don't give it much thought.
If you often keep your work and leisure life separate, try opening up a little and see what spills over. You may make new connections that can boost your career, and have fun while you're doing it. Here are some ways to have fun and boost your career in your free time.
Volunteer work can be a great way to stretch your skills and meet new people. Organizations are always looking for volunteers at every level and chances are you have some skills they need. Find something you're passionate about and make a regular commitment to serve.
In addition, working alongside others at community-oriented projects is a great way to network without feeling like you're networking. The conversation will flow more naturally, and you often get a better sense of what other people are like than you would in a three-minute conversation at a professional conference or event.
Finally, long-term volunteering can sometimes lead to board or paid positions at the organization you're working with. As people inside the organization learn about your skills and the way you work, they may try to find a permanent place for you. If you're looking to change your career path, consider volunteering in a field of interest to see if it's a good fit.
Pursue Your Hobbies
It's good to give your brain a break. Many people find it beneficial to do something totally different from what they do all day to disconnect. Innovation is often the result of applying an unrelated framework to a new problem and seeing what comes out. Cultivating hobbies expands your toolbox for this kind of problem solving.
The other way a hobby can benefit your career is that it gets you out to mingle with new people. They might be in your field, they might not. Either way, you have something in common, and a natural way to cultivate a friendship alongside each other.
Attend Social Events
Events such as fundraiser balls or galas can be hit or miss. It really depends on how cliquey they are. You might find these kinds of events are a great way to meet new people. On the other hand, you might have flashbacks to walking into the wrong party in high school — one where everyone there knows everyone else and they're wondering how you got in.
To get the most out of these events, look for ones that actively promote themselves as more open and inclusive, rather than elite. Go with a goal of meeting three new people and finding out how your skills and experience may be able to help them.
Source: https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/use-free-time-wisely-may-help-your-career-0323