Having retention conversations
Every year, leaders are surprised, and even shocked, when high-potential employees resign, even after a significant investment has been made in their development. It's hard to believe that 12% of high potentials are actively looking for a new job at any given time, and 1/4 typically leave within their first year at a company. Employees often say the same thing when they resign: "I wasn't looking, but a great opportunity just came up." When key employees leave, there's always a reason other than an opportunity that fell into their laps.
So, what causes them to leave? When high potentials don't feel that their career growth is being supported, or that they aren't able to make a difference in the business, or when they aren't inspired by their direct manager, they may start to look. And with a high demand for top talent, it's not surprising that other companies will want them. So, what about your organization's high potentials? Are they looking for other jobs? Has anyone checked in with them to see how they're feeling about being at the company?Source: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/finding-and-retaining-high-potentials/having-retention-conversations