Skill Jobs Forum

Business World & Useful Network => Organization => Human Resource => Topic started by: arif on April 20, 2017, 12:42:21 AM

Title: Master behavioral interviewing skills
Post by: arif on April 20, 2017, 12:42:21 AM
Master behavioral interviewing skills

Have you ever wished that you could actually watch your candidates work before you presented them to your hiring authorities? I know I have. This would guarantee that we would know the capabilities of the candidates we place or hire. Obviously, the only way to accomplish this is to place or hire someone on a contractor temp-to-hire basis. The contractor temp assignment is actually a working interview for both the candidate as well as the hiring authority. Another option, though, would be to consider conducting behavioral interviews because this interview style, also known as competency-based interviewing, was developed by an industrial psychologist.

Rather than asking traditional open-ended interviewing questions, the behavioral interview focuses on past behaviors and performance. It is important that you realize there are some professions and industries, especially where there is a tremendous shortage of top talent, that behavioral interviewing would not be a good option. An example would be a .NET developer who is probably.
