Skill Jobs Forum

Business World & Useful Network => Organization => Human Resource => Topic started by: arif on April 20, 2017, 12:38:04 AM

Title: Uncover impact of past accomplishments
Post by: arif on April 20, 2017, 12:38:04 AM
Uncover impact of past accomplishments

Do most of the resumes that you review read like a job description? If the resumes that you're receiving from your candidates could be used by the person who had the job before them it's going to be very difficult for you to differentiate them or place them in one of your opportunities. See, our hiring authorities assume that the past performance and accomplishments are true indicators of what your candidate is going to do in the future. So they not only want you to present candidates accomplishments, but the resulted impact of their efforts.

See they want to anticipate what results or impact your candidates are going to produce for them. And you and I both know most candidates we represent are not sales people. They find it extremely uncomfortable to list or discuss their accomplishments. In fact I've found that most candidates feel that they're bragging and that is why it's so important for you to address this topic during the interviewing process, because it's during the interview that you must discover what makes your candidates unique.
