Skill Jobs Forum

Business World & Useful Network => Organization => Human Resource => Topic started by: arif on April 20, 2017, 12:34:33 AM

Title: Update and understand the job specs
Post by: arif on April 20, 2017, 12:34:33 AM
Update and understand the job specs

Have you ever worked on an opportunity only to have everyone of your candidates screened out in the final interview? There is nothing more frustrating than to receive positive feedback after the first three interviews only to end up back at square one after the final interview. The job specs you receive from hiring authorities are the foundation of everything we do. They're the foundation of your recruiting efforts, interview, and your ability to make the best match. What most hiring authorities provide us with in the job specs include job title, who the direct report is, obviously a description of the opportunity and the experience needed, what education or certification requirements they have, skills required, hours, compensation package, benefits and perks, and lastly location.

But there are additional questions that you must ask before interviewing potential candidates. Because often new technology or changes in company goals and objectives may cause the job specs to be upgraded. In reality if this is a position that is being refilled.
