Determine strengths and weaknesses of current team or department
Have you ever experienced the frustration of having most of your candidates screened out, or worse yet, filling a requisition only to have the person not work out? You can prevent these two scenarios by obtaining additional information before you ever start your recruiting or your interviewing efforts. You and I are always under pressure to fill open jobs fast, but imagine the benefits of filling more of the positions that you write, filling more of the positions that you write faster, and most importantly, placing candidates who will be retained.
One area that we often overlook are the strengths and weaknesses of the current employees on the team or in the department. Often, strengths and weaknesses are not considered, and they're not specified when we're given the specifications of each open position. However, when we ask these questions, it's interesting, hiring authorities can provide the information without hesitation. One of the key ingredients to your hiring authority's success is properly assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their department.
They must utilize their employees' strengths while addressing any weaknesses. And this information should also have an impact on the individuals that they hire. And it's our job to make our hiring authorities attain their goals by hiring the best person who will complement their current team. So, honestly evaluating strengths and weaknesses are going to help your hiring authorities hire individuals that will increase their efficiency and success, and identifying and evaluating weaknesses of current employees help direct your recruiting and interviewing efforts.
You can actually help direct your recruiting efforts by identifying and evaluating the weaknesses of the current employees. Because, see, if you can identify individuals who have strengths in the current areas of weakness in a team or department, what you've done is you've actually increased your ability to successfully fill the job. So, suggest that your hiring authorities consider areas like communication, enthusiasm, drive, comprehension, skills, detail orientation, organizational abilities, punctuality, technical aptitude, and, of course, the ability to get along with others.
This process is much easier for any hiring authorities who have established an effective, continuous 360-degree feedback program and a culture of constructive communication, but, you might have a hiring authority who is hesitant to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their current team, so what you have to do is stress the benefits of providing you with this information. Let them know that if they identify strengths, you can build on the strengths of the existing team with the right hire, and this process allows your hiring authorities to identify the core competencies and strengths of the current team members to make a better match when they're hiring.
Your hiring authority can identify needed strengths in their future hires to achieve their goals, so building on employee strengths is much more effective in raising performance than basically trying to just improve weaknesses. Also explain the benefits of identifying weaknesses. See the next hire can possess strengths in the areas where the current team is weak, so your hiring authority can then delegate responsibilities to the new hire where they can best utilize their strengths and then build upon them.
Current employees can focus on their strengths every day, which improves employee engagement and retention. And having this information in advance is going to assist you, so you can recognize the specific strengths and weaknesses throughout your interviewing process. Identifying needed strengths are going to help you recruit, they're going to help you through the interview, and you're going to place individuals who will achieve a much higher level of performance, profitability, and productivity.
You're going to initially conduct a general interview. And that's important to just determine what is most important to each candidate that you interview. But then, because you've prepared in advance, you're now going to screen for the strengths needed by each specific hiring authority to present talent who will not only be hired, they will be retained.Source: