Identify new resources
You and I both know the best person for open opportunities are often currently working. They're doing a great job and they're not in an active job search, however, they would consider a change if they opportunity represents their next logical career move. Relying solely upon the postings of vacancies ultimately produces the best candidates are in an active job search, not necessarily the best people that could have been identified and recruited. Your success throughout your career depends on your ability to stay informed of new resources to identify top talent.
Resources that may have been effective in the past could be replaced by a new social media site or new sourcing tool that continually hit the market. Now we'll review some of the other techniques to identify new resources. Technique number one is a referral process. One resource to surface top talent is referrals from others who understand the services that you offer. If you've been in the sourcing or recruiting profession for more than two years the majority of your candidates.