Using other social media to source talent
Have you ever wondered how to first reach out to candidates? Do you call, or do you email? Eventually you're going to exchange email, and will talk on the phone or Skype, or even meet in person. It's important to keep in mind that social media offers other connection options well suited for the initial contact with your prospects. Here are a few ways to start communicating with prospects. Many of these ways to get in touch will end up generating email messages, message or In Mail on LinkedIn. Participate in online discussions.
Comment on a post on a social site. Share a status on LinkedIn or Facebook, and mention another member. Tweet mentioning the person or retweet something that they have said. Get introduced via LinkedIn. Invite to connect on LinkedIn. This is generally not a recommended practice for getting in touch with targeted candidates who don't know you. Invite to a group or community on a social site.
Touching base twice with a few days' interval using the same or different social media site can work out well in making the initial contacts.Source: