Receiving reviews from others
So far we've talked a lot about giving evaluations to others, but what about you? You'll receive evaluations as well. Anyone can receive an evaluation but accepting it effectively is a more advanced skill. When you've received a positive or mostly positive review it's pretty straightforward. First, don't gloat. In the face of significant positive affirmations, don't just sit there grinning. Grin later. A little smile is fine, but right now, you wish to show that you're thoughtfully listening, not gloating. Show them you're listening with a few slow nods and a few short notes if appropriate, and of course, solid eye contact.
Finally, feel free use a few short, concise thank yous during the evaluation where appropriate. Then at the end be sure to thank them for the time they spent reviewing your work. No gloating, just simple gratitude, is how you accept a great evaluation. However, it's a bit more difficult when you're receiving negative feedback, or an overall review that's fairly negative. In that case, here are a few useful tips to help you survive.Source: