Partnering for short-term and long-term success
In decades past, it was not uncommon to execute the goal setting process in a very simple top-down manner. People above you in the hierarchy simply dictated goals to you. Certainly there were benefits to this approach, such as great clarity about lines of authority and good efficiency. However, over time, a better approach has emerged. In most organizations, slowly but surely over the last 30 years, there's been a shift away from dictating goals and towards partnering and collaborating to create goals across levels of the organization. This shift is being driven by several factors.
The first is a rising respect for the average employee. In general, the world of business has begun to realize, thanks to common sense and good research, that the companies who truly value their employees the most, typically win in the marketplace. The second factor is an emerging sense of equality within leadership structures. Certainly, people are still aware of status differences. Nonetheless, there's an increasing sense.Source: