Maintaining an organizational culture in a boundaryless organization
As organizational boundaries become less rigid, more workers are operating outside the traditional confines of regular full time employment. They may be free agents or elancers, that is freelancers in the digital world, who work for themselves, or they may be employees of an organization a firm is allied with, employees of outsourcing, or temporary help firm, or even volunteers. In the U.S., 90% of firms use nonstandard workers, and on any given day, experts estimate, they may comprise as much as 24% of the American workforce.
When firms hired only regular full time employees, it was easy to transmit organizational culture. Shared values, expectations, and behavior, that set the context for everything a company does. If you wanted to see what an organization really values, just look at who gets promoted, rewarded, or let go. At Netflix, for example, a key value was courage. What does courage mean in practice? According to founder Reed Hastings, "you say what you think, even if it is controversial." You, "take smart risks,"Source: