Maintaining control of intellectual property
The intellectual property or IP rights of individuals and organizations, as reflected in copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets, provide a legal monopoly that covers music, literature, and other artistic works. IP also may cover discoveries, inventions, words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Protecting IP is a central focus of almost all organizations. Of course, that's a lot easier to do when organizations have rigid boundaries.
Technology, such as, digital identification badges, and biometrics, such as fingerprint or eye pupil recognition systems, make the distinction between insiders and outsiders very clear. As an organization shifts to an on-demand model, however, and it uses more nonstandard arrangements, such as freelancers and eleancers, its boundaries become more permeable, and people may cross those boundaries quite freely. This kind of movement also allows opportunities to collaborate with other organizations, and as firms acquire more experience in doing that, it becomes natural to look outward.Source: