Developing and deploying on-demand workers
Two very important considerations you need to think about when managing workers in the on-demand economy are how workers will be deployed and how they will develop their skills over time. Deployment is the process of moving workers among different work experiences, locations, and assignments over time. Traditionally, deployment was about moving people through jobs and hierarchical levels in an organization. But in the on-demand economy, it's more about deployment to tasks, micro tasks, and projects.
A career in the on-demand economy focuses more on accumulating project and task credits than on progressing through a series of positions in a hierarchy. In the on-demand economy, talent deployment may reflect long-term collaborations between an organization and a freelance platform or vendor. The objective is not only to perform the task at hand, but also to ensure that the worker has opportunities to develop in order to be ready for the next task that the organization sends his or her way.
In short, deployment may involve repeatedly.