Conducting new employee orientation
In this video, we're going to cover a few considerations for new employee orientation, which is also known as NEO. There are three aspects we'll cover. Content, Format, and Challenges. We covered Content in a previous video. You may want to review it or download the New Employee Orientation Content Worksheet to keep track of the topics you'd like to cover. As a reminder, NEO typically delivers big-picture information that's pertinent to all employees. Job-specific training comes later.
Let's move onto Format and considerations. Here are a few common approaches, along with pros and cons for each one. One option is to create a checklist of topics to cover with new hires. Checklists are simple to use, and don't require a budget to create. It's best-suited for situations where NEO is delivered 1 on 1. Some cons include low consistency since different managers might cover the topics in different ways. It's also labor intensive since each individual NEO leader will need to spend time planning out their delivery.
And it's a little too unstructured to work well.Source: