Skill Jobs Forum

Career Counseling, Self Development, Skill Enhancer => HR Track => HR Practices => Topic started by: arif on April 19, 2017, 09:58:57 PM

Title: Planning the first day for HR
Post by: arif on April 19, 2017, 09:58:57 PM
Planning the first day

Good planning during the pre-hire stage can lead to a great first day. But you also have to execute once the employee arrives. It can mean the difference between a new hire spending their first day filling out boring paperwork Or, quickly completing the necessary requirements, so they can jump right into training, or orientation. This can be really challenging when you are running an onboarding program for multiple employees. One company I know did such a poor job managing this stage of the onboarding process that an average of 30 percent of each new hire class quit after just day one.

There are different ways to approach the first day. Some companies bring all new hires to the same place for a new employee orientation program. Other companies hire employees in multiple locations, so their first day involves training, or just getting acquainted with their new job site. Whatever your situation, a good first day has three main elements: legal requirements, a tour, and a social activity. Let's start with legal requirements.
