Skill Jobs Forum

Career Counseling, Self Development, Skill Enhancer => HR Track => HR Practices => Topic started by: arif on April 19, 2017, 09:20:56 PM

Title: Impartial interview techniques
Post by: arif on April 19, 2017, 09:20:56 PM
Impartial interview techniques

Whenever someone thinks about the job search process, interviewing is really what they're thinking about. When preparing to find a new job, the interview is often where a candidate will dedicate all of their energy and focus. Seeing as the thing a candidate has to get through in order to get the job, the interview is a big deal. So much so, that I wrote an entire book about interview preparation. But are candidates correct? Is the interview all that's cracked up to be? For mainstream candidates, the answer is yes. For everyone else, the answer is it depends, and that is what the diversity recruitment strategy aims to fix.

In a randomized double-bind study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the US, a research team sent science faculty at top universities applications for a lab manager position. The resumes were identical with the only difference being that either a male or female name was added, and yes, you guessed it, the faculty members rated the mail candidates as more competent than the female candidates.
