Hire the selected candidate
You wrote a killer job posting, you recruited your socks off, you interviewed lots of great people, and you finally found the one. It's time to bring them onboard. The smoother the transition into your organization, the more quickly that new hire will be making meaningful contributions. First up, call your candidate to tell her she's gotten the job. Be professional, but be enthusiastic. Tell her she was your first choice out of 100 resumes and that you were truly impressed with her resume and interview. Also discuss pay, benefits, and other perks. Once you've laid out everything you've got, get commitment to join your team.
If asked for a little time to think about it, see if you can understand the hesitation. Let them know your deadline for an answer and you could even tell them you want to let the other candidates know the position is filled. Few people will drag their decision on if they know it's affecting someone else. Once your candidate has agreed to join your team, provide a list of next steps, so they know what to expect.Source: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/administrative-human-resources/hire-the-selected-candidate