Overview of online customer comments of Social Media Marketing
Over the past four years, I've studied the psychology of online comments. There are so many places that people can leave comments and it's really useful for you to build a map and to understand that comments are part of your social media presence, as well as appearing on your blog. What's especially important though, is learning how to approach the places that are not 100% in your control, such as social media. Let's do a quick run-through of a few of these places knowing that people may well have a personal and a business profile or page, starting with Facebook.
Many people have a Facebook account already so you're probably familiar with this one. Coming across to Twitter, even though you may not be thinking in terms of comments, essentially that's what tweets are. Next, looking at Google Plus and then Pinterest, as well as LinkedIn. And then you have your website. For instance, it could be a WordPress site, or it could be a Blogo one or some other platform. Now, I'd like you to think of it this way.
Your website is like your home base and your social media presence is like your outpost stations. Whatever you allow to happen is really gonna determine the experience that people will have when they visit you at that particular location. Imagine for a second a visual map of all of the places that people could leave you comments. Imagine your website and leading to and from your site are your social media channels. Knowing that people could be talking about you on these channels, even if you're not there.
You might like to draw this on a piece of paper or on a white board. Once you can see all of the places for potential conversations, you've started the journey of understanding the role that each of the channels has in how people think and feel about your brand. This is all being displayed one conversation at a time. Sitting behind every comment is a person, even if that comment is being made by a page, which is very often a business. Learning the art of managing comments is about learning how to communicate most effectively with everybody who chooses to engage.
If you're super keen to make sure you have a manicured lawn, then you may not want people to leave you comments. Because of social media outreach, many of us, including myself, don't have comments switched on for our blogs on our websites anymore. Instead, we'd rather have the conversations happen where more people can see and engage. And that means having those conversations on social media. The difficulty is that the increased social sphere online enables people to say pretty much what they want within those contexts.
It's good to be able to have that and it means you're getting engagement around your content. But also, you're gonna want to have ways to be more in charge. Next steps. Write a list of all of the places your business has that people can leave you comments. How much do you care about what they're saying? It's time to take notice and begin to have better conversations.