Skill Jobs Forum

Business World & Useful Network => Organization => Business => Topic started by: arif on April 19, 2017, 12:59:52 PM

Title: Managing a Band's Business
Post by: arif on April 19, 2017, 12:59:52 PM
Managing a Band's Business

Welcome to Music Law: Managing a Band's Business. If your band is working hard to succeed and you're the person in the band managing the business, you will benefit from this course. I'll explain how to create a band partnership agreement, protect your band's name, secure rights to your band's songs, limit your band's liability, protect your rights in the recording studio, prepare a tour budget, and more. Hopefully the principles and procedures explained here will reduce some of the hassle associated with managing your band and provide you with more time to spend on your most important priority, making music.
