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Business World & Useful Network => Useful Social Network => Topic started by: Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU) on April 19, 2017, 10:00:10 AM

Title: Conclusion- Managing Your Time
Post by: Reyed Mia (Apprentice, DIU) on April 19, 2017, 10:00:10 AM
Conclusion- Managing Your Time

I want you to think about putting all three of those rules together. Everyday, your focus should be putting them together. It's one thing to understand that you've gotta focus on the 20%, the really important work. It's another thing to think about that window of time, your Einstein window, where you know, mentally, you're the most agile, the most effective. It's yet again another thing to think about how you protect that window. When you put all three together, it's amazing how your productivity will go to the next level, bringing you all kinds of new successes, because you learned how to manage your time.

In this short course, author Todd Dewett, PhD, shares four time-management tips that help everyone from busy executives to new employees get more out of their work day. Learn how to think differently about time management, embrace the 80% rule, find your "Einstein" window, protect that window, and broadcast your availability to ensure others know when you'll be available.